Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Midnyte Finds - She Walks in Darkness by Evangeline Walton.

Many, many years ago I was on a King Arthur reading kick.  I researched until I could get my hands on any book about the topic, non-fiction and fiction.   That research led me to two books called The Cross and Sword and The Sword is Forged by Evangeline Walton.  Then I found her Mabinogian Tetralogy which is a retelling of Welsh Mythology.  These were some of the best books I have ever read.  (I also read her book Witch House.)

Miss Walton lived from 1907 - 1996 and I thought I had read everything she had written (minus some short stories). 

I walked into the bookstore to find a present for someone and as I was browsing I spotted this!

What???  Evangeline Walton?!!!  I grabbed it right away not even bothering to check out the synopsis.  I feel like I found a lost treasure.  One that I didn't even know existed - the best kind.

Inside the book they had a link for Evangeline Walton and here is the information on She Walks in Darkness.

"...Tachyon Publications has just released Evangeline Walton’s novel She Walks in Darkness, a kind of Gothic thriller written in the 1960s.  Tachyon has done a splendid job packaging it, with an excellent cover by Thomas Canty, an introduction by Paul di Filippo, and blurbs by Tim Powers and Patricia McKillip.  There is also a short afterword by me about the background of the manuscript."

A favorite author PLUS a Gothic thriller?  Serendipitious to say the least!

Have you found anything cool lately?


Lizzy said...

That is super awesome! A few years ago I stumbled upon a new release by Marion Zimmer Bradley, who passed away in 1999. Her sister or someone finished a manuscript of hers, polished it up, and published it. I ended up being one of my favorites. :)

Karen said...

What a cool surprise for you!

That's a really pretty cover too.

I haven't found anything - mostly because I've avoided book stores lately lol

Kate @Midnight Book Girl said...

I love finding a book like that- it's a gift! I haven't read many King Arthur books, but The Mists of Avalon was one of my favorite books in high school

Midnyte Reader said...

@Lizzy - I've read a lot of Bradley's books and enjoyed them for the most part.

@Karen-It was a cool surprise. I usually avoid bookstores too, but I was actually looking for a present.

@Kate-It definitely felt like a gift. LOVE Mists of Avalon!

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