Why the Victims Always Run but Still Get Caught in Horror Stories
Do you love a good scare? The horror genre has an avid following
and as one of those followers you will get a kick out this discussion. From the likes of Stephen King or many
other well-known horror story writers, their tales will send shivers down your
spine and make you jump at every sound. There are certain things that
constitute the makings of an excellent horror
story, and you may have noticed a few
elements that almost every scary story has.
The Horror Genre
Horror stories are meant to
cause anxiety, stress, fear, suspense, tension, and many other highly-charged
emotions. Many horror tales can be quite morbid, with evil creatures, horrible
deaths, demons, and other elements that are sure to keep you awake at night.
Not only are the characters memorable, but there are often surprising and
shocking plot twists that can catch the reader off guard. There are also a few
elements that are common in horror stories, and the plot wouldn’t be the same
without them.
What to Expect
horror novels, stories and films tap into our human fears. It could be natural
disasters, murderers, clowns, sharks, snakes, or anything that would normally
send us shrieking. It also uses the use of tragedy. Many books and movies have
a hero or heroine, who, throughout their entire ordeal are strengthened as they
overcome all obstacles and tackle their destiny.
often has the main character failing, or in some cases, dying. People close to
them perish as well, but that is what makes the books so wonderfully terrible.
Tragedy can trigger fear and shock, especially in these types of books where
the characters make huge mistakes or wrong decisions which can lead to their
ultimate doom.
It is
terrifying because we can relate.
What if we hadn’t stepped back to the curb in time and the vehicle
hadn’t missed hitting us? It opens the doors to terrible possibilities that
make the perfect horror story.
Hope You Can Run
One of the classic horror
elements is the art of the chase.
It wouldn’t be the same if there wasn’t some terrifying pursuit where
screaming victims were trying to run for their lives. Many times, in scary stories, the people get caught and are
killed. The thrill and suspense of the chase while hoping the victims make it
out alive are often dashed due to a well-placed trip or stumble by the author
or just plain slowness. Many of us
wonder, could we outrun the evil? Why didn’t they run faster? They had to trip
at the perfect moment?
The Perfect Catch
Our minds often go down the
thought process of “what-if,” in horror stories. What if the person had worn better running shoes? Read this for a break away from the horror story and some
advice on which running shoes to wear when running from a horror villain.
Getting back to it, what if they had actually tried to run faster? What if they
hadn’t kept looking back at their attacker and just focused on running?
We tend to analyze the details,
but keep in mind it’s the shock to the senses that keep us entertained and
horrified. Of course, we may wonder if they hadn’t had flip flops on, would
they have been able to outrun the pursuer and possibly live to tell the tale.
But if that was the case, then it wouldn’t be a horror story, would it?
The horror genre can get our
hearts pounding and increase our blood pressure. A good scare is fun, and many
enjoy the thrill and the suspense of such stories. Some of greatest fears come
to life in the horror genre. We can see where the characters went wrong, and
make mental notes of what we would do in that sort of situation. Just be sure
to wear some good running shoes, and don’t look back.
Bio: Sarah is the author of https://kickschoice.com/. Whether
it’s a horror story in books or in real life, she will help you decide which
running shoes to wear to run away from all the baddies.