Monday, January 13, 2014

Book Blogger New Year's Challenge - January 13, 2014.

Book Blogger New Year's Challenge

13. Share a blogger horror story.

My blogger horror story is when I tweeted something and the author who I tweeted it to took it the totally wrong way (in a kind of dirty way).  I was so embarrassed I cried.  I think it got cleared up in the following tweets, but I'll really never know.

What about you?  Any horror stories you'd like to share?


Jen | Book Den said...

Oh, nooo. I'm so sorry that happened. How embarrassing. I'm sure you were able to clear it up just fine!

Becky B. @ Bibliognome said...

Oh, that would be bad, we've all probably had embarrassing moments on twitter though. I once tweeted a quote at an author saying how much I loved it and they wrote back that it wasn't their quote...

Mariya said...

Oh, man! I've had not so good moments on twitter, Not fun! Glad it got all cleared up though.

My "Blogger Horror Story" Post!

ParaJunkee said...

Ooh, I can imagine. It is hard to convey certain things in only 140 characters, I've been the recipient of a twitter faux-pas...

Karen said...

I'm sure I've done something incredibly dumb or embarrassing on Twitter. Thankfully none has called me on it yet lol

I don't think I have any actual horror stories

Alexia561 said...

It's so hard to convey tone online, but how embarrassing that they took it the wrong way! So glad things got cleared up in following tweets!

Kate @Midnight Book Girl said...

I remember you telling me about this. But knowing who the author is, I'm sure he's forgiven you and moved on. Just think of it this way- if you had accidentally tweeted the same response to a friend, ya'll would still be laughing over the mix-up today!

Midnyte Reader said...

@Jennifer-I'm still really not sure if this author believed me. But I could also turn it around on them and say they're the one with the dirty mind, LOL.

@Becky - *That* is a good story!

@Mariya-I usually think hard about what I'm tweeting if I have an inkling it may be taken in the wrong way. I just wasn't expecting it that time.

@Parajunkee-Agreed, sometimes I need more than 140 characters.

@Karen-I find that hard to believe. I don't think you've ever said or done anything dumb in your life.

@Alexia-Yes, it's hard to convey a lot of things on Twitter.

@Kate - yes, if I accidentally tweeted it to a friend we'd definitely be laughing at it...but it was...*that* author!

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