I came across this awesome idea on Good Books and Good Wine. The 15 Day Book Blogging Challenge. April came up with these awesome bookish exercises to get our creative juices flowing, to remind us why we blog in the first place and for fun!
I've been so busy lately and I've been out of town so I feel that my blog has been seriously lacking. Truth be told, it's been hard to get back in the swing of things. When I saw this Challenge, it lit that blogging flame again. The nice thing is, you don't have to do all 15 challenges. Just do what you can. You also may want to visit the other participating blogs and see what they have to say.
For complete details please visit the starting post HERE.
How do you fight blogger fatigue?
I don't. I just go with it and hope it ends soon.
I know this seems like a cop out and I should be "doing" tons of stuff to comba it, but the more I fight it the more it seems like work and I don't want blogging to seem like work. I want it to be fun. I do complain to my blogging BFFs and we commiserate and I'll tweet about it and usually get support and that actually helps validate my feelings so I don't feel so guilty.
Do you guys have any tips for fighting the blogger doldrums?

No I think you are doing the right thing :) Hugs
Same here. i used to try to fight it but now I take it as a signal that I need a break. And I give myself permission to take one.
I am going through it right now. So I slowed down and didn't think it would kill anyone if I didn't post something every day during the summer. But I can't leave it behind. It is too much fun.
Ooh I think I will participate too. Blog burnout can happen easily enough. I should know - I overdid it and ended up taking a break for a few years after losing my apartment. But Ive been back now for over a year and loving it even more. I think a key is to keep things fresh and interesting.
I agree completely. Blogging is so much better when it's fun. Stepping away (and not stressing over it) helps rekindle my love for it.
This challenge question was hard for me because blogging is actually my form of escape from the depressing life I currently have. I wouldn't know what to do if I needed to combat blogging fatigue, at that point, like you, I think that would mean it's time for a break...no matter how long or short.
Day 11 & 12 Book Blogger Challenge
I don't agonize over it anymore, I allow my self to skip blogging for a day or two. If I am not in the mood to write a review, it won't come, no matter how long I sit looking at the screen and procrastinate.
I don't think that's a cop out at all!
I completely agree with you the more I push the worse it gets so I don't push. I also agree that the support for other bloggers is amazing!
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