Thursday, July 18, 2013

15 Day Book Blogger Challenge/Day 11 (Show off 5 of your best blog posts!)

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I came across this awesome idea on Good Books and Good Wine.  The 15 Day Book Blogging Challenge.  April came up with these awesome bookish exercises to get our creative juices flowing, to remind us why we blog in the first place and for fun!

I've been so busy lately and I've been out of town so I feel that my blog has been seriously lacking.  Truth be told, it's been hard to get back in the swing of things.   When I saw this Challenge, it lit that blogging flame again.  The nice thing is, you don't have to do all 15 challenges.  Just do what you can.  You also may want to visit the other participating blogs and see what they have to say.

For complete details please visit the starting post HERE.

Show off! 5 of your best blog posts.  

Surprisingly 3 of my top 5 have to do with my favorite authors. Two feature Stephen King. Go figure!  Another has to do with the night I met Robert McCammon and actually rode in a care with him.  Can you imagine riding in a car with an author you have followed and adored for over twenty years!?

The remaining two is a feature and a meme.  I started Midnyte Finds and would love to continue but haven't because I feel like I can't "find" anything worthy.   It's hard to follow up such a special event as making earrings for battered women and children in shelters.  The last one is a Book Blogger Confessions post that I participated before I was a co-host.  The topic is blogging controversies and I I'm proud that I was able to express my opinion without getting overly dramatic and mean.  (Well, I think, maybe you can be the judge of that.)

1. Happy Birthday Stephen King!

2. A Conversation with Stephen King.

3. The Night I Got To Ride in a Car with Robert McCammon & Sherilynn Kenyon (or, best night EVER)!

4. Midnye Finds: Bling's The Thing.

5. Book Blogger Confessions: Blogging Controversies.

What about you?   Do you have any posts that you are particularly proud of?  I'd love to know.


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