The story starts many years ago in a used bookstore when I found
Mystery Walk on a shelf and became a loyal Robert McCammon fan. Some of you may know that he is absolutely one of my favorite authors.
Fast forward to the first evening of World Horror Convention that took place in Salt Lake City, Utah. A public signing is scheduled at the Columbus Library (along with Sherrilyn Kenyon, P.N. Elrod, Joe Lansdale and Rick Hautala) and I try to decide if I should go because after all, McCammon will be at the WHC Mass Signing the following evening. But what if? What if, something happened and he couldn't make the rest of the weekend? What if I get sick and I'm stuck in my hotel room? What if the world comes to an end?
There was some confusion about transportation to the library. I am told that there are rideshares in the lobby. I bug people with World Horror Con badges but no one has the information.
Someone on the train was bringing this cake to a party. |
I finally ask the concierge about taxis and he tells me it is about $20.00 to the library, then suggests the train, which is very inexpensive and stops right across from the hotel. He instructs me which line to take, which stop to get off at and tells me that it is only about a 10 minute walk from there. After several minutes of dealing with getting a train ticket (it took me a few minutes to realize the first machine is not working) I finally get a pass and hop on. The public transportation in SLC is very easy to use, but I missed my stop and had to get off and ride back a few minutes. After walking around for a bit, I realize I have no clue where I am. I walk into a Best Buy and the greeter informs me I am about 30 minutes by CAR away from the library and I probably would not want to walk there. WHAT??? Now, maybe I made a mistake, but I really don't think so, because I was on the line I was told to use and I got off at the stop I was told to.
The reading is from 7:00 - 9:00 and it is now about 7:45. I decide to just go back to the hotel. I hop on the train again, feeling frustrated and upset, and a little remorseful for the money I spent for the weekend. You know, just feeling sorry for myself. However, I quickly snap out of it. There are worse places to be and worse situations to be stuck in!
I get back to the hotel and lo and behold there is an empty cab outside the hotel. "Hmmm, it's 8:00 pm." I think, "Do I just wait till tomorrow, or do I go for it?" I went for it.
Robert McCammon. |
After only a $15 cab ride, I get to the nearly empty library and enter the nearly empty gymnasium. Joe Lansdale is packing up and there is a line stretching the width of the room in front of Sherrilyn Kenyon's table. But in front of me, seated at a table signing books is Robert McCammon. I get on line, hands shaking. It's Robert McCammon! Did I mention that?
Then it is my turn. Of course he is so sweet and so kind and he also has a wonderful Southern accent. "I came from New York to see you." I blurt out. Then we chat about some of the details of his book
Queen of Bedlam since it is set in New York City.
I look a little goofy probably because I'm a bit nervous. |
Then I head over to Sherrilyn Kenyon's line. I am the last person on it. I make a new friend while waiting and we bond over books. (I find out later in the weekend she is also going to AAD NOLA. Cool, huh?) As I get closer I check my watch. It is just about 9pm and I feel bad because the signing should be over. But Sherrilyn chats with each person as if she has all evening. I thank her assistant Kim for staying and she tells me Sherrilyn always stays for signings because she has always wanted to write and this is her dream. So why wouldn't she stay? (So NICE!)
Sherrilyn Kenyon & me. |
As I leave, I pull out the card for the cab company to call for a ride back to the hotel. Darlene, one of the WHC volunteers asks me if I would like a ride back in her car...with Robert McCammon and Sherrilyn Kenyon. I stammer that if it is not too much trouble, yes, I would very much appreciate it.
As we wait for everyone, Robert McCammon, Darlene and myself chat about books. I want to call everyone I know! I want to take pictures with my cell phone and send them to people!
My hero Darlene and Sherrilyn Kenyon. |
When I get in the car, I know I can't let this opportunity go by without evidence. I apologize, tell them I have a book blog and ask if I could please get a picture or two as proof. They basically laugh (at me, with me, who cares?) and I snap a few shots. Robert munched on carrots in the front seat, Sherrilyn told me she liked my
Fright Night hoodie. As I walked in the hotel with Robert, Sherrilyn, Kim and Joan, I felt like the luckiest person in the world. I'm giddy now, by the way and I decide that the weekend is totally worth the debt.
WOW. I would absolutely DIE if I got to ride in a car with one of my favorite authors!!
Holy Shiz!
Okay, I just needed a minute to calm down. That is hands down the coolest blog/author/any post I have ever read! I can't believe you held that in so long! If it was me, I would have opened my own Etsy shop selling shirts that read: I'm Wearing The Shirt Designed By The Girl Who Rode In A Cab With Robert McCammon! And on the back there would be the picture of Mr. McCammon munching on carrots! And I'm pretty sure I'd sell mugs and mousepads and stuff. And now I'm totally going to read a Sherrilyn Kenyon book just because she seems so cool.
OMG! Too. Much. Epicness! That is insane! I'm so happy for you. What an awesome night.
@Ems-I could have died...yeah.
@Kate-You are sooo funny. I may now have to open that shop.
@Jennifer-Thank you! It was an amazing night!
What an amazing experience for you! Isn't it amazing when we find out that our favorite authors are people just like us?! LOL.
No! No! They're not people like us! Well not me, anyway. They are way more awesome than I could ever hope to be!
This is a great post on getting started. Fortunately I was in IT for a few years so I have had some experience with WordPress and website design. My husband recently joined the military and we have our first baby on the way. The goal is to be able to be a stay at home mom, but if I could supplement with something like a blog that would be great! One major thing I am struggling with determining is the theme of my blog. I have so many interests that don’t really fit together. I am a personal trainer so fitness and nutrition are a big part of my life and I love passing tips and healthy recipes along, but I am also a DIYer, so I feel I could provide instruction on certain projects, etc. is it appropriate to have a blog of many topics? Happy birthday husband What does it mean when you dream about someone Happy birthday sister images good morning quotes quotes for her Love songs for him Best battery saver app Best podcast app for android
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