I came across this awesome idea on Good Books and Good Wine. The 15 Day Book Blogging Challenge. April came up with these awesome bookish excersises to get our creative juices flowing, to remind us why we blog in the first place and for fun!
I've been so busy lately and I've been out of town so I feel that my blog has been seriously lacking. Truth be told, it's been hard to get back in the swing of things. When I saw this Challenge, it lit that blogging flame again. The nice thing is, you don't have to do all 15 challenges. Just do what you can. You also may want to visit the other participating blogs and see what they have to say.
For complete details please visit the starting post HERE.
15 Book Related Confessions:
1. I judge people by what they read (but I've gotten better). People who gush over books that I find silly or ridiculous - I feel like I can't have conversations with them. I know it's mean and awful, but I feel like there are so many other better books out there. I met a woman who did like one of the offending books and she expressed that she doesn't like to talk about those kinds of books specifically because of people like me. She said that she enjoyed the book and she doesn't want to have to apologize for it. Touche. And let's be honest, the people who have read War and Peace and all those literary classics that I can't discuss coherently probably think the same thing about me.
2. I judge books by their covers. If it looks too romancy or just boring, I probably won't pick it up to even see what it's about.
3. I always try to check out what people are reading on the bus, subway, airplanes, cafes, etc. to the point where I'll try to squint and read a sentence or two.
4. In the above situation I desperately always want to discuss what they are reading and contemplate how to strike up a conversation about the book without seeming like a lunatic.
5. I often feel like a reading failure because I haven't read a lot of books that my blogger friends are so familiar with. I still have no clue what the Black Dagger Brotherhood is and it took me forever to read the first of the Cat and Bones and FaeFever series.
6. Pertaining to the above, I often feel when I finally do get to said books that everyone has gone ga-ga over, I don't love them like everyone else. Too high expectations?
7. I dislike series. Maybe that's another reason I haven't read many of the above mentioned. I don't mind cliffhangers to a point, but when they get frustrating I get annoyed. I feel cheated and I feel that author is just trying to get me to buy the next book. (Disclaimer: I know that this isn't really the case. Sometimes it's just the vision the author has and sometimes it's the editor/publisher.)
8. I don't usually mind when a main character dies. I think it adds depth and realism. Maybe it's the type of books I've always read where no one is "safe." (Thanks Stephen King.) Sometimes when a main character, or any character for that matter, lives through a hail of bullets it doesn't ring true. Death of a main character adds a bit of that dark tragedy that reflects real life.
9. I've never read anything by Lovecraft! (Ducks.)
10. I try to rope my friends into participating in my blog. I've succeeded with one, but I'm always asking my buddies to do a guest post or if they're reading something I suggest they write a review. One reason is to have more content because I feel like my blog always needs more. Another reason is just to have more points of view. And finally, because I want to get them as hooked as I am.
11. Even though my favorite books are Horror, I feel poorly read in that genre. There are just so many other books that distract me. Then when I read a good Horror blog or cull through Goodreads groups, I realize all the authors and books that I need to read up on.
12. I love physical books. The smell, the cover, the feel of the pages. I think Joe Hill mentioned that a physical book is "the whole package." (Just to clarify I do read e-books too.)
13. Although I have read Romance in the past, I will probably never read another book where the main goal is a relationship again. Just not interested.
14. If a book is hyped too much I become resistant. I don't want to read it because it couldn't possibly be as good as the masses have said.
15. I don't look at authors as sex symbols. I think they're rock stars, but my favorite authors are just too transcendent and too high on a pedestal to think of in "that way."
Image credit: ivaleksa / 123RF Stock Photo

Guess I need to duck as well...I don't know what Lovecraft is!
While I love physical books, I just can't buy them any more. They just sit on the shelf looking lonely.
I agree on most points...like (quote):
1. I judge people by what they read (but I've gotten better).
8. I don't usually mind when a main character dies.
12. I love physical books.
14. If a book is hyped too much I become resistant.
As for 13, I may have read a couple of romance books when I was a teen just because someone lent them to me, but I found them unsatisfying even back then...
3 and 4 made me smile. 15 made me almost laugh. I didn't even know authors could be seen as sex symbols LOL.
I always enjoy your posts - they're entertaining!
I judge people by if they read not so much by it. However, I will not date anyone who says that books are just good bookstops (yes a guy actually said this to me once). I am all over the place in my reading so genre isn't such a big deal to me :)
I've been meaning to pick up a horror book. I think they are the next step up for a hardcore UF fan.
Lol I don't read horror at all, I do love romance in my books. I also don't read hyped up books, and when I finally do, I often don't agree with the hype at all.
I still prefer paperbooks to ebooks. I don't judge people by the books they read, but just don't understand their choices, like they don't understand my tastes.
I love reading series, I think I would have a lot less to read if I only went for stand alones. I don't think my favourite authors write stand alones.
Yes and more yes. Haha. I judge people by what they read, too, but honestly - all those people do go up a peg in the first place just for being readers. Book covers - I totally judge a book by the cover.
I had to laugh at you squinting to see people's books. I'm so bad about that. It kills me to not know what people are reading and everyone uses Kindles now. It's tough. I finally got a look at one of the dads' Kindles at my son's TaeKwonDo... he was reading Angry Birds. LOL.
Hey Midnyte!
Very interesting revelations here! I hope the rest of the challenge goes well for you :-)
I totally LOL'd at #9--even though I've read Lovecraft, there is an awful lot of idolatry and hagiography involved with him in certain horror circles ;-) But for the record, I think you are too well-read in Horror, so I don't agree with #11 ;-) And #15 made me LOL out loud as well! ;-)
DarkevaHey Midnyte!
Very interesting revelations here! I hope the rest of the challenge goes well for you :-)
I totally LOL'd at #9--even though I've read Lovecraft, there is an awful lot of idolatry and hagiography involved with him in certain horror circles ;-) But for the record, I think you are too well-read in Horror, so I don't agree with #11 ;-) And #15 made me LOL out loud as well! ;-)
YES! Horror is so awesome, I hope you get to read a Lovecraft book or even short story someday, I did like the one book I read by him, but that was probably 8 years ago.
Also, I totally check out the books other people are reading too, ha ha.
@Shari-He's a famous writer in the Horror and Sci-Fi worlds. Lonely books are sad.
@Roberta-I'm glad to find someone else who doesn't mind when a character dies. I mean, I get upset, but sometimes it just works.
@Felicia-Yes, that sounds like a much better judgement-if someone reads or not, not the genre.
@Jennifer-Yes, horror would definitely be darker than UF.
@Aurian-Maybe that's a better way to put it, that I don't understand other people's reading choices. :)
@Jennifer-Yes, people who read *do* go up a peg over those that do not.
@Eva-Yeah #15...you were there for one of my debacles.
@April-I'm sure one of these days I'll get to a Lovecraft story. I think most bookish people check out what others are reading.
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