Day 3 - Thursday, June 7, 2012.
Lisa heard buzz about The Devil in Silver by Victor Lavelle and that was the first line we got on at BEA Thursday morning.
Although Victor looks quite serious he was very funny and wanted to make sure I got a useable picture.
I've met Charles Day at several Horror Conferences and he had told me the day before that he would be signing his first published novel, The Legend of the Pumpkin Thief, so I made sure to add it to my schedule.
I had wanted to meet Victoria Schwab for a long time. I've heard wonderful reviews about The Near Witch and was never able to make a book signing so I was very happy to get a signed copy.
One of my favs, Ellen Datlow who along with Teri Windling edited After, an anthology of post-apocalyptic stories.
I thought this was hysterical.
Just so you can see how the Autographing Area is organized. Last year they had the cover pictures of the books currently being signed, but for some reason this year those were few and far between.
This is another book that I was looking forward to getting. Breathe by Sarah Crossan. I love that cover too!
The final signing that I went to for the day was for The Curiosities: A Collection of Stories by Brenna Yovanoff, Maggie Stiefvater and Tessa Gratton. As you can imagine the line started very, very early and snaked around to a storage area. The wait was long and I almost bagged it. I knew I had enough books. But I stuck it out and Lisa who was several people in front of me turned to me and mouthed, "All three authors are here!" I am a huge fan of Brenna Yovanov's, so I was thrilled I stayed and got to speak to her. And Tessa liked my shirt because there were skulls on it.
Above is Tessa, Brenna and Maggie (l to r).
I thought this was funny. Now they are analyzing Twilight?
Okay, who needs this book?
Once again Lisa and I treated ourselves to lunch and delicious desserts at The West Bank Cafe on 42nd Street. We each got one and shared. Butterscotch Parfait and Strawberry Shortcake.
BEA 2012 went by so fast. I felt that this year was a bit more um, "civilized" than last year, in that I felt people were a little more courteous. Well except for all the people who cut in line and people who were "holding" a place for like five of their friends (I have pictures of some of you surreptitiously taken - muahahaha. Just sayin'). It was a wonderful time and if you can get there one year, I recommend it.
Now, I'm off to organize some books.

looks like an amazing time :) Great pictures . Breathe looks amazing
Seriously, where the hell was I for all these awesome signings? I had a great BEA, but I can't help but feel like I wasn't even at the same place! Next year I will have to take you up on your offer to stay, because I really want to do it all over again (and I would very much like to go the West Bank Cafe!). Plus, I'm almost done with Boy's Life and it's just amazing! And don't I still owe you a drink?
I could pee on this??? OMG. Story of my life. Way too funny.
Loving the recaps!
Ha! That water bottle. That is funny.
Super awesome pictures, and the dessert looks yummy. :)
I thought it went much better this year too. I found publishers to be friendlier too.
It was a little crazy with all the epic lines (now even for book drops) but I enjoyed it.
I skipped the Curiosities line. I just couldn't handle one more but I did grab Breathe. I bet we were in the same line and didn't even know it.
I need that book of cat poems. I'm sorry I didn't see it! And those desserts look delish!
Sounds like you had an awesome love the cat book..LOL I am heading to BEA in 2013 and cannot wait..thanks for sharing this!
@Julie-Thanks. It was pretty fun!
@Kate-Yes on the drink! :P You did go to West Bank Cafe, it's where we had dinner Sunday night. It does seem like I didn't get to see a lot of blogger friends and like they were in a different building altogether.
@Smash-That poster had me LOL'ing!
@Missie-I thought the water bottle was clever.
@Karen-I'm glad you thought it was better organized this year as well. We were probably in many of the same lines.
@Steph-Can't wait for the cat book.
@Kimba-I hope you get to make it in 2013!
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