True Blood is back! Yayyyy!
I don't have HBO...Booooo.
So, I'm relegated to being behind several seasons as I catch up on Netflix. But I'm happy for all my Trubie pals and to celebrate, I'm participating in the True Blood Season 5 Premier Blog Hop hosted by All The Fun Starts After Dark and Literal Addiction.
I've got an awesome prize pack to give away.
One lucky winner is going to win all five of these Sookie Stackhouse books by Charlaine Harris which include:
~Dead and Gone
~Dead Reckoning
~Dead to the World
~All Together Dead
~Dead until Dark.
Please note that while I have not read any of these books, I am pretty sure a few are pre-read. The paperback is definitely used and the cover of Dead to the World has some wear.
~This giveaway is for the five books pictured and listed above.
~This contest is open internationally!
~This contest is open internationally!
To Enter:
~Leave your name and e-mail address on the Rafflecopter form and leave a comment in the comment box below.
~Extra entries are optional.
~If you are choosing to do extra entries, please read the questions/instructions CAREFULLY! If you do not follow the instructions, I reserve the right to disqualify that entry. (For example, if I ask you to leave a comment and you do not, or you don't answer the question, that entry will be removed.)
~Please see my contest policy HERE.
~Contest ends Saturday, June 17, 2012 at 12:01 am, EST.

Sookie Stackhouse I would.
Sookie!! Thanks for the giveaway!
I have all of the books, but I just wanted to stop over and show some love. I usually just lurk, but not commenting makes me creepy. ;-)
Sookie for sure, to read minds and be part fae would be sweet.
Sookie for sure, to read minds and be part fae would be sweet.
Sookie for sure, to read minds and be part fae would be sweet.
Sookie for sure, to read minds and be part fae would be sweet.
so excited ahhhhh!!!!!!! I would be anyone who gets ti sleep with Eric LOL
Charity Costa
Emissary of Literal Addiction
I would say Sookie, but I wouldn't want to be with Bill, just Eric, Sam, or Alcide.
Jessica Hamby, I love her. Sookie is just the typical pick to me. She's great but Jessica holds more spice and mystery for me.
I could never be Sookie. I would never be that daft half the time. I have to say that Jessica Hamby would be my choice, she gets all the good yummy men!
I'd love to be Sookie, but just because of Eric :) ANd if I had to choose an other person to be, then it'd be Jessica :) I like her :)
Pam or Jessica. Nora would be alright too.
I think being Pam could be fun, or maybe someone we have yet to meet...No one so far is quite... me.
I'd want to be Sookie of course, hello Eric ;)
Thanks for the giveaway! I'd totally want to be Pam. She's sassy, sarcastic, and has great style.
hepburncharm [at] gmail [dot] com
I have not had the opp to read or watch these shows but I guess I would pic an ultra innocent and be caught in a web of intrigue, ultimately usurping evil with innate goodness heh
Thanks for joining in on the hop, we really appreciate it!
Here's to you getting to see/get caught up on TrueBlood very, very soon. :)
I'd want to Pam, she is freaking awesome, and she has amazing one liners, I think there's a lot more to Pam, hopefully we'll get to see that.
I also like Jessica, she annoyed me at first, but she's really got bad ass!
Thanks for the awesomesauce giveaway!!!
That is a great question. I think I would like to be Sookie because she has awesome powers and is always surrounded by those gorgeous men!! ;)
Thank you for the giveaway.
If I could have Eric I'd be Sookie otherwise I'd love to be as sassy as Pam
I do not have a blog. There wasn't a space to answer.
Thank you for the giveaway!
I would love to be Pam cause shes just so pretty and witty
i would be sookie, she gets all the guys and plus she has powers!
Sookie all the way. She gets all the crap but she also gets all the guys, the fun, and everything works out in the end for her.
I actually just started blogging. My blog is http://sharinglinksandwisdom.blogspot.com/
Oooo, I'd definitely cast myself as Sookie. Who wouldn't want to re-live that dream she had with both Eric and Bill?
Sookie - but I don't know if I would handle the scary parts as well as she does!
Oh, I don't know there aren't too many good female roles in it...maybe Sookie? Then I can have Eric :P
Or maybe Jessica. She is gorgeous.
Thank you for the giveaway!
Cayce @ Fighting Dreamer
Sookie... just so I can have Eric with a dabble of Alcide!
I would want to be Pam. I could have lots of interaction with Eric and not have to worry about being nice to Bill.
Blog: http://amysbookworld.blogspot.com
Sookie - for all her romantic misadventures! Thank you for holding the contest.
It was great seeing you at BEA,
I would be Pam. She has the best wardrobe.
Geishasmom73 AT yahoo DOT com
The girl that gets to make out with all the hot guys!! Sookie!
I don't really like Sookie on the show, but I would love to be cast as her because she gets all the hot guys!
Also my blog is Shane's Killer Cupcakes http://shaneskillercupcakes.com/
Sookie, I guess. I haven't watched the TV series because I don't have HBO either but I do like her in the books.
mimirose41209 at hotmail dot com
I would want to be a newcomer. Perhaps frenemies with Sookie.
Sookie!! Can you imagine having Eric and Bill just for yourself!? Grrrrrr! :D
Thank you so much for the giveaway!
There's no space to put the blog url:
Thank you!
A Feary that would keep trying to get all of the characters to be in my debt! >:)
my blog is The Cherry That Pissed Off My Pie!
I'd like to be the vampire queen Sophia, but I'd play her differently, more like in the books.
I'd want to be Sookie. Faery powers, pretty, kind, lots of goodlooking men, why wouldn't I want to be her?
I'd like to be Eric ;) He's totally hot and badass and being a guy for a change would be cool.
Pam...she's the best of both worlds. Strong, beautiful, independent, smart, well traveled, well dressed...and definitely naughty!!
barbbattaglia @ yahoo.com
I would definitely be Sookie. I mean, hello, she has all the hot guys going after her! ;D
The name of my blog is Optimistic Mommy. The URL is http://www.optimisticmommy.com.
Hmmmm....I'm trying to think of someone who doesn't get hurt or killed. maybe Sam because he hasn't gotten really hurt....yet.
It would have to be Sookie for me. She has Eric following after her. Who wouldn't want that?
jlhmass @ yahoo . com
I love Pam and would pick her in a second!
I love Pam- her sarcasm is just the best, so she is who I would be no matter what. sdylion(at)gmail(dot)com
I would be Sookie that way I could have both Eric and Alcide!!! Thanks for the giveaway! Gale pgan427@yahoo.com
Sookie of course, I want my choice of hot men
I'd definitely want to be Sookie!
Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
elizabeth @ bookattict . com
It varies from episode to episode.... depends on who is getting some Eric.... Latest choice would be Eric's "sister"
Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
I would want to be Sookie.
Thanks for the chance!
sookie or amelia
Pam, she has awesome fashion sense, cutting sarcasm, great hair, what else could you want? ;)
I'm logged into Rafflecopter as Kate Ryan
I'm actually new to this show/book series so I can't choose a character yet! I'm excited to find out though :)
I would be Pam. I think she's freaking awesome.
Im not sure which character id be. I havent see the show or read the books yet.
I would have to be Sookie, she gets all the hot paranormal guys. :)
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