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Q: You are a matchmaker -- your goal, hook up two characters from two of your favorite books. Who would it be? How do you think it would go?
A: I keep thinking of Cass from Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake. He is like the perfect guy and although I am old enough to be his...um, well he'd be too young for me, I have a huge literary crush on him. He is smart, brave, worldly and just cool.
I think I would set him up with Clarity from Clarity and Perception by Kim Harrington. She is clever, brave, loyal and pretty cool too.
They have a few things in common. Cass's father died, Clare's father is absent, they are both close with their mothers and with Cass's skills and Clare's psychic abilities they could have some great adventures.
They have a few things in common. Cass's father died, Clare's father is absent, they are both close with their mothers and with Cass's skills and Clare's psychic abilities they could have some great adventures.
Great pairing. New follower. My Hop
I haven't read Clarity yet but any pairing with Cass in it has me intruiged! *New Follower* This site is gorgeous!
Hope you'll stop by my Match
Happy FF!
Hopping through. Love Cass. I still need to read Clarity. I've heard it's great.
My Hop
I haven't read the books, but anna dressed in blood is on my to read list. I'm a new follower, have a great friday!
I haven't read either of these books yet, but I keep hearing good things about Cass!
Happy Friday!
My FF this week
New follower. :)
Hop by my blog sometime.
I haven't read either yet, but I've heard a lot about Anna Dressed in Blood.. *New Follower*
Here's my FF :)
Haven't read the series but they sound like an amazing pair
new GFC follower. do follow me too
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Excellent picks! I just love Cass! New follower! My Follow
WOW these are some great picks I've really been wanting to read Clarity and Perception! New follower via GFC!
Kayla @ Bengal Reads (YA Blog) & Reading On The Wild Side (Adult Blog)
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"Click Here" To view my #FF post for Reading On The Wild Side
Clarity is the BEST book ever!!! Love that series and yes Cas is cool too! Great choice :)
I haven't read either, but from your description they're interesting. New follower. :)
My FF:
I need to finish reading "Anna Dressed in Blood!" But I like your answer.
New follower. You have a gorgeous blog design!
Rebecca @ Vicariously!
I loved Cass in Anna Dressed in Blood.
My FF.
New follower.
Hey everyone! Wow I could hardly believe I got 14 comments on this post. I really like my pairing of Cass with Clarity. I hope you all get to read both books.
I wish I could speak to the pairing, but both books are still on my TBR soon list. Any suggestion as to which I should pick up first?
Love the blog design! Did you do it yourself?
New follower! Happy FF!!
I haven't read those books yet, must look into it! I love your header by the way. New follower here :)
my FF
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