Welcome to my Halloween Meme! Each Friday in October I will be asking a Halloween or Horror related question.
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Question: Do you have a "line" when it comes to Horror? In other words, what do you think should not be written about or what can't you personally read?
Answer: I think my only line would be insensitive writing. This may make me sound like a degenerate, but I can take a lot in my Horror. I really don't like it when animals get hurt or killed, rape scenes upset me and kids being victimized but if it serves the story and is done with a kind of gentle hand, well then, it might not be a choice I would make but I often feel that a story belongs to the author. And that includes his or her choices.

I don't have a line, really... If anything, I can't stand to read about animals suffering. I know that's crazy - I can read about humans dying but animals tear me up!
Tracy @ Cornerfolds
Since you mentioned rape...no. I just can't. Also, scenes with animals attacking humans are problematic.
I would never say that something shouldn't be written but personally, I can't watch animals being hurt and I have a very difficult time watching or reading torture.
I don't like movies like Saw - Hostile because there are sick people out there doing it right now. All these stories of girls tied in basements for years makes it hard for me to watch that as entertainment.
Karen @ For What It's Worth
I'm pretty much good with anything other than rape and animal torture/killing. I feel a little bad about that, but I've just seen so many horror movies and read so many books that most stuff just doesn't bother me anymore.
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