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Question of the Week: Book looks - Your favorite fashions from the books you've read
~I'm going to have to go with the whole fantasy Fairy look. From the elf costumes in The Lord of the Rings trilogy to Julie Kagawa's detailed elaborate clothing from her Iron Fey books to Charles de Lint's pagan and nature based creatures. The clothing in these books lend themselves to the magic and mystery of the stories further immersing me in the story.
~This question also puts me in mind of all the Celtic myths I've read and the stories about King Arthur. I love the majesty of life in a castle and even in the books that are set more in the Dark Ages, the clothes are still a detail that makes the picture real.

Yes! Definitely agree with the LoTR looks. I haven't read Kagawa's works but am looking forward to them. Happy Friday!
Old follower :)
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Obsessive Compulsive Reader
Of course your answer reminds me of FaerieCon! I might just go for one of the days, just to walk around and get some new tinsel in my hair (if you can believe it, I still have one solitary strand holding on!). We spent so much at Orlando and Baltimore is a doable drive... I really just want to go for a little bit. ;)
Oh my goodness, yes!!! My all time favorite movies/books!! LOTR looks would be amazing!! I am a new follower via GFC!
xx Kat xx
The Realm of Books
Just hoppin by! :-) Guy Vestal @ Counter Culture Critic #FF
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