Feature and Follow is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. Click on the links to visit their blogs and find out more about this great meme.
This weeks Question:
Characters: Sometimes our favorites, die during books. If you’d get to choose, who would you bring back?
Warning: These answers will contain spoilers! This is easy. Nick from The Stand by Stephen King. A little piece of me died with him. I don't think I ever got over it. Also, Tommy from Dust & Decay by Jonathan Maberry. I was so, so, soooo disappointed to lose him. And of course, Fred Weasley from The Harry Potter series. I am angry with J.K. Rowling to this day. And Sirius Black. Very angry at J.K.
How about you? Who would you want to bring back? That might be a loaded question, because there are SO many books I still haven't read yet!

Hello! I forgot about Fred Weasley! I am a new GFC follower. Here is my FF.
So many from the Harry Potter world I know! I really teared up over Dobby.
New GFC and twitter follower
Monique @ Mo_Books
OMG! Fred! I completely forgot about him! Great answers!
New Follower via BlogLovin- Hope you get the time to stop by and check out my FF- and enter my giveaways!
Aditi @ http://athousandwordsamillionbooks.blogspot.in/2014/10/feature-and-follow-3.html
Hmm... I haven't read The Stand, but I've been meaning to forever! And I definitely agree with you about Fred. So much sadness in the HP series. Old follower!
Here's my F&F!
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love your Halloween Meme that was such a cool idea! :)
I'm a new follower,
have a great weekend.
My F&F
Whitney@Shooting Stars Reviews
I'm sad about Sirius and Fred dying too. Love the Halloween theme :)
Old follower.
~Karina @ Watcha Reading
I haven't read any of these but I'm seeing a lot of Harry Potter related deaths today!
New follower via GFC!
Kristen @ One Chapter Ahead
I feel a bit ashamed to admit that I haven’t read the last three Harry Potter books, certainly now with all the HP characters which have been chosen. My pick of the week would have to be Will from the Divergent series. I still mourn over that guy since I’ve read the book in 2012.
New GFC follower!
Aurélie @ http://exploringpages.blogspot.be/2014/10/ff-feature-follow-if-i-die-young.html
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