Genre: Dystopian/YA.
Publisher: Harper Collins.
Source: NY ComicCon.
Favorite character: Peregrine & Aria.
Favorite quote: “If there was no fear how could there be comfort? Or courage?” ~Peregrine
“He had a prince’s looks, but a pirate’s eyes.” ~Aria.
All in all: Page Turning!
Synopsis: Exiled from her comfortable home, Aria knows her chances of surviving in the outer wasteland - called the Death Shop - are slim. Violent energy storms can strike suddenly, and even the very air she breathes might kill her. Then Aria meets an Outsider named Perry. He's wild, dangerous - a savage. He's also her only hope.Because Aria alone holds the key to his redemption, Perry needs her, too. Their unlikely alliance will determine the fate of all who live under the never sky. ~Product Description.
My Thoughts:
I adored this book and hated to put it down. I felt as if I was put right down in the middle of the author's world and allowed to absorb the language, terminology, and basically what was going on instead of being told unnecessary details. I love the slang, it was imaginative and I picked it up easily from the context. Although used sparsely, it gave a great touch to the story letting me know that it wasn't quite the world I know.
Written in alternating viewpoints between Aria and Perry, the two main characters let me get to know both of them and also see the other person through their eyes. At first Aria has to get her bearings and I love seeing her grow and learn before my eyes. She begins to experience reality and grounds herself in the outside world. She gets to know herself. I love how Perry changes too and starts to understand his own growth and important role in his world. I love how both characters change and learn about each other and the world’s they come from and what they went through. I also loved that it was written clearly and with simplicity, yet it was still lovely and insightful.
The relationship between Perry and Aria may have been predictable only in the fact that you knew they were going to get together. But you wondered when and how? I was sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for it. I loved how it came about, slow and sweet with them both changed and matured. I’m not one for mushy romance so this was great for me. It was realistic and sweet and heart racing.
About half way through I realized this was not a stand alone book, but that was okay with me. Either I’m just getting used to trilogies/series, or this story simply gave me foresight that there is much more to explore. There were enough questions to stir my curiosity and enough answers to satisfy me. The plot is interesting and exciting and wove together well. There were definitely some plot points that took me by surprise and I commend a story teller when they can do that. The only thing that bothered me is that Aria seemed too quick a learner of her physical abilities, but a reader could also argue that there is a reason for this too.
It ended a bit abruptly which took me by surprise. However at the same time, it ended in a way that did not disappoint me. If it was a stand alone book, there would be enough left open ended for speculation and enough for a satisfying ending. This leg of Aria and Perry’s journey is over and their lives are changed , yet they have so many goals to achieve and certainly more hurdles in their future.
This is an exciting and action packed story with character development and insight weaved in.

I was just discussing this book with someone who really enjoyed it. I'm glad to hear it that you enjoyed it, as well. It certainly sounds pretty cool!
"I also loved that it was written clearly and with simplicity, yet it was still lovely and insightful."
I couldn't have said it better!! I adored this book, and I thought Aria and Perry were such fabulous characters. Their growth was one of my favorite parts, and I thought their relationship was perfectly done. I was a bit surprised by the ending as well, but like you, wasn't disappointed at all. I can't wait to read the next book!
Loved your review! I cannot wait to read this book....Im like the only person who hasn't yet!!
Wow great review and I love those quotes!!
Lah @ LazyGirl Reads
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