In anticipation of Authors After Dark 2012 in New Orleans, I created the AAD 2012 Reading Challenge. The goal of this challenge is to let readers, whether you are going to AAD 2012 or not, get better acquainted with some of the authors who will be attending this event.
Sometimes I go to conferences that feature authors who I am unfamiliar with. Then, when I read their books later I want to kick myself for not reading their work sooner, so I could have talked to them about their stories, gotten a book signed or just gushed properly.
I asked Stella Price, the organizer of Authors After Dark if there would be any issues with me hosting this challenge and she not only gave me the green light and is very supportive, but asked the AAD 2012 website designer Robin from RLD Design to make me a button! Thank you Stella and Robin!
•Although AAD 2012 takes place in August, this challenge will run from January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2012.
•Books must be read and reviewed in 2012.
•You can join at anytime during the year.
•Anyone can join (not just book bloggers).
To Join:
•Write a post about this challenge on your blog with a link back to this post.
•Include a list of the AAD 2012 books you hope to read in 2012. You can check out the authors on the AAD 2012 website HERE. (Then click on the authors link.) Please note that your list is not written in stone! You can change it at anytime.
•Grab the button and add it to your post or sidebar.
•Sign up on Mr. Linky below. Please enter the link to the AAD 2012 Challenge post on your blog, not your main blog page. (If you link to your main blog page, unfortunately it will be deleted.) If you do not have a blog, you can just sign up.
To post a review:
• This is just the sign up page, not where you will link up your reviews. To link up your Authors After Dark 2012 Reading Challenge reviews click HERE. When you write your review it would be great if you could mention that it is part of the AAD 2012 Reading Challenge.
•If you don't have a blog: You can link to Goodreads, Amazon, Shelfari, etc. OR, instead of linking to a review you can leave a comment below with your thoughts.
To find out more about Authors After Dark 2012 visit their website!
Grab the button:

My book goals for this challenge:
~The Better Part of Darkness by Kelly Gay.
~Black Heart Loa by Adrian Phoenix.
~Dearly Departed by Lia Habel.
~Halfway to the Grave by Jeaniene Frost.
~Mind Games by Carolyn Crane.
~My Life as a White Trash Zombie by Diana Rowland.
~Royal Street by Suzanne Johnson.
~Three Days to Dead by Kelly Meding.
Sign up for the challenge below!
Please make sure your sign up link goes to your 2012 AAD Reading Challenge post, or your list on Goodreads, Facebook, etc. Please don't just link to your blog.
Please note that I am simply attending AAD 2012 and am not affiliated with the event, nor am I receiving any compensation for hosting this challenge.

I'm so horrible at challenges but I might do this one. I didn't realize Carolyn Crane was going. I'm reading Mind Games right now and it is awesome!
I can't wait for AAD!
I'm at a total loss as of how to sign up, I'll probably link through goodreads
Sounds awesome. I hope to attend AAD this coming up year so this willl be a great challege to join. My first official challenge sign-up for the 2012 year! I'll be back with my post link later. ;)
@Karen-I'm excited to read Mind Games too. I'm saving it for the coming year.
@Pyper541-It should be easier now to sign up.
@Jessica-Glad you will be joining me!
This is the PERFECT challenge for me! I'm going (or hoping to go) to ADD! And I had already added a bunch of the AAD author's books to my to read list on goodreads! So thank you for this!
I can't wait to go on a walking tour with JEANIENE FREAKING FROST!!!
OK I'm doing it!!! Make me finish this challenge lol
Great idea Midnyte!! I had a list started but this will make me more organized. thank you!!
This is a fab challenge Midnyte - I'm in! Shall make up a list this weekend and get it all posted :-)
I'm in!
I am so excited for AAD in NOLA, August will be here before I know it. I will link up a goodread shelf shortly but I am all in for this one.
Done, although #10 above is set to go to the wrong bad, sorry darlin'!
I'm in for this challenge- thanks so much for hosting it!
Of the challenges I'm in for this year, I think I'm most excited about this one. I'm so excited about August, and I look forward to meeting all the awesome authors whose books I read as a result of this challenge!
Hey everyone, welcome and thanks for joining!
Thanks for hosting this challenge. I am looking forward to this entire experience.
Oops ... delete #20 it's a link to the main page of my blog. #21 is the correct link. Apologies.
No prob RIN! Thanks for joining!
Going to start on this tomorrow! I agree with not knowing all the authors. I love trying new stuff.
Excellent idea MidnyteReader! I don't have a blog, so I will just link to goodreads :
Do we need to link to every single review when we do them or will you just go to our page and see our reviews?
(On an unrelated note #22 is one of my lucky numbers ~so it is cool that ended up being my signup number.)
I have updated my blog and entered the link in to Mr. Linky! Come over and check it out!
Sounds like a great challenge, there are quite a few Authors going to be at AAD I haven't read.
This is the only challenge I'm participating in this year. I'm super excited about it though, because I get to catch up with some awesome AAD authors and I can tell my hubs it's for research purposes. :)
Just posted a link for my review of A Little Harmless Sex by Melissa Schroeder.
Apologies for lack of reviews ... I have read a lot but with work and classes finding time to write reviews as a lot hard then I anticipated.
Just posted another link for my review of A Little Harmless Pleasure by Melissa Schroeder.
Thank you for sharing your experience. It means the world to me. I started my “serious” blog on November 24, and I have had 342 page views so far. I have read SO much, and still feel so confused and unsuccessful. I have not made one cent so far. We really need me to be bringing in income, and so far my husband has been patient. I KNOW I can make this work, but am not sure where to go or how to do it. I just found your website and plan on taking the steps I can. I have a wix blog. I have already paid for a year, so I hope they won’t be hackable. Everything else I think I can do. What I love about blogging is being able to share my life, and things I love. What I don’t like is how confusing all of this is to learn and knowing where I need to stay focused. Thanks again! Games to play over text good morning quotes online grammar checker Music Download Sites to download legally newlywed game questions Reasons why I love
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