Okay, so I'm at the Book Blogger reception and I meet author Jeri Smith-Ready. She shows me a postcard for one of her books. I'm standing there staring at it in shock. "I read this book!" I tell her. "I loved this book. I was just thinking about it the other day!" No really, I was, I wasn't just trying to flatter her. We talked a little about the book and then she told me about the sequel. Since I don't have my copy of Wicked Game anymore, I went on a little Jeri Smith-Ready binge.

I also got one of my favorite authors newest books Neverland. Douglas Clegg is an excellent writer who specializes in horror. His books haunt me. I can't wait to read this one!
Last but not least is two books that were recommended to me because of my obsession with New Orleans.
I have to read Requiem for the Devil - A Jeri book I haven't read yet! I hope you like it! I loved the WVMP books - Shane is awesome!
I want to read Wicked Game again. I hardly ever re-read books (too many other books to read, you know?), but that one I want to.
I've never read Clegg before but I love horror...which book of his would you recommend I try first?
I LOVE Jeri Smith-Ready!!!! I haven't read Shade and Requiem yet, but I have both.
Her WVMP series is awesome! and I have to say my favorite trilogy ever is her Aspect of Crow Trilogy! AMAZING!!!!!
great blog!
I just re-read Wicked Game and am working on a review now. I also have Shade and Requiem. I'll definitely check out her Aspect of Crow trilogy.
I <3 Jeri!! And Shade is AMAZING! One of my fav books so far this year. Her WVMP series is on my kindle waiting for me to read.
Enjoy all your books!!
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