Time sure flies doesn't it?
I know I haven't written in a while, except the sporadic post or book review here and there. First of all, October wore me out because it's my busiest month. Not only do I participate in as many Halloween activities as I can possibly fit in, but I also did Halloween Hootenanny on the blog, which wore me out. Then I got sick and who wants to blog when they're sick? Okay, I can't really use that as an excuse, but it's definitely a contribution. Then "the HOLIDAYS." You know, the "HOLIDAYS." That insane time of year that starts with Thanksgiving and seems to just compress Turkey Day with all of December and suddenly! It's a whole new year.
This isn't going to be one of those, I'm in a slump, don't know what to write, can't come up with good content posts...it's just that...sometimes, I just don't feel like blogging. We all know it takes energy, work, TIME. Those are precious commodities and getting all the more precious. I have thought of stopping, or maybe being a contributor to other blogs, but I'm just going to take it day by day.
I know I don't follow the "rules" of blogging or even the "guidelines" at times. I know if I don't post every day, or every other day people will lose interest. I know if I'm not out there commenting, participating in blog hops, Tweeting, etc. that I will just fade away into cyberspace. And I really don't want to do that.
I'm not sure what 2015 will bring in the way of blogging for me. I do have a few reviews on the back burner. And although I have decided not to run any Reading Challenges this year, Tracy from Cornerfolds will be hosting a Horror Reading Challenge, which I am looking forward to. I did a lot of fun bookish things in 2014, but I just didn't blog about them - RT in New Orleans, BEA, seeing Neal Gaiman speak. I won't stop doing those things. I won't stop reading or talking about books, I'm just not sure what the future of the blog will be. Hopefully, I'll figure it out or it will happen organically.
Whatever happens, I hope you have a very Happy, Healthy 2015!

Happy New Year, Pam!! I have tons of unpublished reviews that need to be typed up, which I will "bank" for the times I need to take a break from blogging. Oct-Dec is always a bad blogging time for me too, but overall, I did okay in 2014. But I sucked at commenting, which makes me sad. Yours is the very first blog read and commented on in 2015, so I'm taking that as a sign that this New Year is off to a good start! ;)
Happy New Year to you too! I think you're right...Oct-Dec is difficult. Maybe it's just the time of year and not me.
There's no *right* way to blog or blogger handbook that we must follow. This is your little space on the internet to share whatever you want - as often as you want. We'll be here waiting!
Last year was really rocky for me and I considered just guest posting on someone else's blog as well but ultimately I found my groove and I'm happy again going at my own speed.
But you need to do whatever works for you Pam. If that means posting sporadicly, everyday or even quitting your blog. It's all ok. Maybe you're just over it and it's time to move on. I would miss you like crazy though :-))
Happy New Year!
Karen @ For What It's Worth
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