This is my very first Bloggiesta! I'm a little intimidated of getting totally overwhelmed, but I'm also very excited to research the mini-challenges and discover methods and tips to improve my blog.
A huge thanks to It's All About Books and There's a Book for organizing this event. If you want to join in, please visit their blogs.
I won't be around Friday at all so I'll have to catch up when I return on Saturday. Here is my to do list. I've kept it extremely brief, and hopefully I'll be able to meet and surpass my goals. Wish me luck!
3. Finally write up an about me page.
4. Participate in a few mini challenges.
5. Write up a few posts for October.
6. Learn stuff.
Added 9/30/12 - Add icons to Archives page.

Best of luck with your very first Bloggiesta! I'd like to update my reviews as well. :)
Welcome to your first Bloggiesta! I've always had lots of fun, and wind up learning so many new tips and tricks. You've got a great to-do list, so hope you have a productive weekend!
Ah, #6 is my favorite! I really don't feel I know enough about blogging, and this weekend has turned out to be very, very busy so I'm not sure how much I'll get done. I'm just a bit over-booked. Good luck with your goals, and get your About Me filled out, because you are one interesting lady! ;)
I can see why you were up until 2 updating your reviews of Goodreads and Amazon because that took forever, and I didn't even do Amazon.
Good luck with the rest of your list with the little time that is left in today!
Go you!!!!! I will observe bloggiesta from my couch lol
I do get so any great ideas and links from it though even if I don't participate.
I tried to be realistic about my to-do list, but I tend to procrastinate, anyway. Good luck on your list!
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