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This week's question: If you were given the chance to spend one day in a fictional world (from a book), which book would it be and what would that place be?
Answer: I didn't have to think too hard about this one. It's going to sounds really geeky and perhaps cliche but the book(s) I would want to spend the day in is The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I would love to spend the day in Middle Earth, more specifically, Rivendell. The description enchanted me, with the kingdom built into the trees and connected by bridges, the fairy lights, the songs of the elves. To be honest, I read it a long time ago and maybe I'm taking some of my memories from the movie, but my answer stands. Just like Samwise, I've always wanted to "...see the elves."

I would so like to see the elves as well. I read the books and while it's lovely, I prefer the movie version because Hugo Weaving is there. I love him, he is so awesome. Are you looking forward to The Hobbit?
I chose Diagon Alley from Harry Potter. I'm not sure what's more cliche than that. :)
New follower, by the way. Your blog is absolutely beautiful.
I hadn't even thought about Middle Earth, but you're right, that would be incredible. I'd love to follow the path the fellowship take - although without the constant theat of danger!
Check out my answer at
new follower :)
I've never seen Lord of the Rings...I really should read/see it at some point...
New follower! Love the name of the blog.
Nina @ Death Books and Tea
Im a new follower
Hi there!
Yeah I would LOVE to visit Rivendell! Or maybe even the Shire...I can see myself setting down for a few pints with Merry and Pippin :)
I'm a new follower and this is my first Book Blogger Hop! (as well as my first friday post..i've only been doing this for a week!)
I would love for you to follow me back and stop by the blog sometime!
Nice choice with Middle Earth - I went with Clive Barker's Weaveworld.
Sally @ Bibrary Bookslut
New follower here. Great choice! I wouldn't mind that, myself. Have a great weekend!
Marla @ Starting the Next Chapter
You found such a better picture that I did.
My answer is the same -
I've been mulling over this question now for about three hours. Picking just one is never easy for me. I've read so many wonderful books over the years. Come see what I chose.
I haven't read the LOTR books yet, so I can't say I'd love to visit that world! Although the movies do make most of it look beautiful, especially the elf... palace? Kingdom?
Anyway - Have a great weekend!
Books of Amber
Happy Hop Day!
New Follower:)
I haven't read the books but have seen the movies countless times and yes, I would have to agree :)
Have a great weekend.
Great choice, although I wouldn't mind living in a cute little round hobbit home for a bit as well. :)
That would be awesome! Sort of similar to the Avatar world. Old Follower <a href="”)> Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust</a>
Just hopping by and wanted to say hello. Rivendell is a good choice. Seems like you could sit by a waterfall and read all day if you wanted. Good stuff. I'll make sure to keep up with the site.
Ah yes! I could totally do Rivendell. I'd love to have big hobbit feet and go prancing around Middle Earth. Great choice
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