Book Blogger Hop time again! It's always so much fun discovering new blogs. But it's also a curse since I have a hard enough time trying to keep up with with the blogs I know about! There are just so many great book blogs out there. Well I'm ready to discover a few more.
This meme is hosted by Crazy For Books. Please check out her blog for complete rules.
This week's question is: "Where is your favorite place to read? Curled up on the sofa, in bed, in the garden?"
Answer: I like to read anywhere I can read. But, my favorite place to read is in bed at night.

happy friday!
I enjoy reading in bed too. but it usually turns into I'll just put the book down for a moment. I'll just close my eyes, just for a second.
and then I wake up 4 hours later.
I most enjoy reading anyplace I won't be distracted, and good lighting is a plus too. my fave place is curled up on the comfy sofa, with no one around to bug me. having coffee around is a plus too. :)
have a great weekend!
Hopping by! Your blog is all dressed up for Halloween :-)
Have a great weekend!
Blog Hopper and Friday Follow here!
My answer is in the cozy two-seater chair in my living room. It's so comfy!
Follow Friday answer: I am reading Black Magic Lover by Cynthia Cooke, Harlequin Nocturne paperback.
Followed! Hope you follow back. Happy reading!
Midnyte, you've been awarded the "One Lovely Blog Award" To learn more, visit my site. No obligations, just a cool little kudo for having a good blog site!
Jason McIntyre
Just hopping by. I can read anywhere too!
Just stopping by to see if your widget was still scrolling, but I figured I might as well answer the question. I like reading in the tub, but I'm probably the only one. Of course, you can't read an ereader there so I guess the bed is my second favorite.
Happy HOP!! Just wanted to say hi and that I'm a new follower. I love reading in bed all snuggly and comfy :)
HOP on over and visit me at The Bookish Snob
Thanks for stopping by my blog, I like your blog name too! :) Your design is gorgeous and I'm now following.
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