My co-host, Karen from For What It's Worth put it best:
When my (former) BBC co-host Tiger Holland and I started the meme, everyone was kind of afraid to say out loud that there was a downside to blogging. Or even admit that we were overwhelmed. It was something you “confessed” privately in emails only with close friends.
I’ve noticed a huge, and welcome, change this past year where we feel free to express our feelings publicly and write posts about it on our blogs. So to put it simply…Book Blogger Confessions as a meme doesn’t really seem as necessary anymore.
I want to thank everyone who has participated. I've enjoyed "meeting up with you" once a month or so and reading your opinions. Most of all I want to thank Karen, who thought enough of me to partner up with her for this meme. I have to admit, I was stunned, flattered and extremely honored when she asked me because she is a blogger that I've always thought so highly of. We've become good friends and I feel so blessed to know her. I think we're both ready to move on, hopefully to other blogging endeavors.
I know that I've been lagging in reviews and posts lately and I apologize. I guess I'm in a bit of a blogging slump, but it just seems to me that other things are taking up my time and honestly, I'm really enjoying my summer. I've been travelling a bit and I've taken up gardening. It's also been very busy at work. I'm hoping that attending Authors After Dark in Savannah will inspire me and kickstart my enthusiasm for blogging more often. I don't want to quit blogging, I just haven't felt like writing lately.
Thanks for your patience and thank you again for participating in BBC.

Your not the only one who is in a blogging slump. I think this is a normal thing and I hope you get the urge to blog again very soon.
Enjoy your summer! I have certainly been there. I practically took the whole summer off last year. *hugs*
Yeah I hear you ...enjoying my break from it all. Sad to see this meme go. I enjoyed being honest and making new friends while doing it.
love you xoxox
While I'm sad to see the meme go I totally understand.
I'm sorry you've been in a bit of a slump :( Enjoy the rest of your summer and take it from there!
It is totally fine to take a blogging break you know, don't feel guilty. Your readers will be there when you post something. That's what all those follow options are for.
Enjoy your summer and the gardening and stuff. And perhaps when you read a great book you just have to share your opinion about, the review will flow :)
I don't want to copy and paste what I wrote under Karen's doesn't feel right. But on the other hand, I don't think I could find a better way to express what I had to say about BBC shutting up you're welcome to read my post on there. Once again, thank you for this great meme - I really enjoyed it and learned a lot while participating. Also, I met my first blogger friends and followers through it...
I've been largely absent myself these days, though I managed to write some review drafts or simply take notes...but what with the unbereably hot climate, my job and a house to take care of, there wasn't much energy left in me for completing proper reviews. I have three novels to blog about though (sent by the authors), so I'm going to talk about them soon...
Enjoy your summer, since you're going places and doing things (I wish I were too!). We'll definitely stay in touch, BBC or not...won't we? :)
@Cindy-Yeah, I know *most* everyone goes through it. I hope the urge comes back too.
@Jen-One thing I really admire about you is that you do take breaks and then just post when you have something to say. I know for one, I always check back on your blog.
@Julie-I know you can totally understand! I'm glad you're enjoying your break. Thanks for always participating. Love u 2!
@Kim-Great advice. I may just do that.
@Aurian-It's hard not to feel guilty or like I'm lacking in blogging skills. But yeah, I really only want to blog when I have something to say and want to share it. I am still reading, that hasn't changed. Hopefully, the urge to write will return.
@Roberta-Thank you for participating. It was great meeting you and I'm glad you enjoyed BBC. I have a few books to post about too. Sometimes other things just get in the way. Yes! We'll absolutely stay in touch!
Enjoy Authors After Dark. It sounds like a blast.
Take off as much time as you want and take pleasure in gardening. I felt guilty about not blogging when I was in my last slump, but it wasn't until I stopped feeling guilty and the passion returned that I was able to come up with things to post.
@Lizzy-Thanks so much. I hope the guilt goes away soon!
Book Blogger Confession was a very cool meme, and I'm glad that you introduced me to Karen! I've been a bit lacking on the blogosphere lately myself, but I don't really feel guilty about it- sometimes we need a break or life just gets in the way. As much as I love reading and blogging, they are my only interests, and sometimes you just have to lose yourself in something else. You've had a fairly awesome, eventful summer, and I know the Fall is just going to bring more awesomeness to you! ;)
This is actually how I first found you lol. I was just starting out and I saw other bloggers with issues I was having as a newbie but had no one to talk to about, I never got up the gump to join it was like month two in my blogging world but know you have helped more people than you think!
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