Let’s Talk is a meme hosted by Smash Attack Reads and A Book Obsession.
Let's Talk is a a great place to get personal and learn more about one another!
Each week, a different question will be posted along with a place to link up your posts and visit other people’s responses. This meme is definitely meant to bring out conversation and meet new people. So, Let’s Talk!
Today's Question: If you could be part of one fictional family (book or screen), what family would you choose, and why? Would you choose to be a current family member, or a new one?
Like Smash, the first book I thought of was the Harry Potter books. I want to be married to George Weasley. He is awesome and funny, brave and daring.
Another family would be the Riddell's, recurring characters from many Charles de Lint stories. Geordie and Christie Riddell have many adventures in Newford that allow them to experience the land of fairy. I would love to be able to join them.
Also, I'd like to give being a vampire a try. I would then have the time to read all the books I want. I think I'd prefer to join the vamps in the Sookie Stackhouse novels. Some of them can be pretty cool.
What about you? What fictional family do you want to join?

I would marry Sam Merlott :) I don't think I would have a problem with that all LOL
I almost picked Sookie's world too, but I had already listed 3 fictional families and didn't want to go overboard. I agree with you Felicia... it's not so much the vamps that get me in those books, but the shifters and I've always loved Sam.
It would be hard not to want to live in the world of Harry Potter, since I read a lot of thrillers and dystopians, but I would love to live in Xanth from the Piers Anthony novels too!
What a fun topic! I love your choices. I think I've always sort of wanted to be a Weasley. It just seems like living in that house and growing up with them would never be boring.
If I had to choose another, I think I'd probably opt for being a Bennett. I'm sure most of the sisters and the mother would drive me crazy (in a fun, wacky way), but Jane and Lizzie would make excellent sisters, and hopefully be able to introduce me to a friend of Darcy's. :-)
Ohhhhhhhh! I'll be Sookie when she is getting close to Alcide. ;)
This is a fun question. My first knee-jerk thought was a family in the Harry Potter world, but I think that's mostly because I want to live in the HP world :P I do like your idea of vampire family for tackling-TBR purposes.
You want to marry George?? :P
I would love to be a Weasley. They are awesome. :)
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