Book Blogger Confessions is a meme that allows book bloggers to discuss issues unique to what we encounter in the blogging world. Every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month we will post a question and invite you to answer, comment and discuss opinions and different views.
Please keep the dialogue courteous. No bashing!
If you would like to participate in this meme sign up below and please feel free to to grab the button to include in your post with a link to For What It's Worth Reviews or here at Midnyte Reader.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Book Blogger Confessions has been nominated for best meme for Book Blogger Twitter Con (#BBTC) hosted by Parajunkee and The Bookish Brunette. This event will take place April 1-April 7 and all of it will be held on Twitter. We are thrilled to be nominated and want to thank everyone who participates, comments and reads. Voting starts March 1, 2013. Even if you don't vote for us, at least go vote! For more information on #BBTC click HERE.
Question: How has blogging and reviewing changed your reading habits? Do you read a genre now that you wouldn't have tried prior? Or have you been turned off by a genre you used to love?
Answer: Since I started blogging and reviewing my habits have a changed a lot.
On the positive side, I'm reading a lot more, I'm reading books that I may never have tried. I don't think I would have gotten into YA as much as I have. Also, I'm being exposed to books and authors that I may never have heard of. Blogging is like a HUGE resource for books. You know when Dorothy opened the door to OZ and was like Holy Crap...that's kind of how I feel. Picture when she opens the door it's all books piled on top of each other, spilling off the beautiful scenery and growing off the plants.
On the negative side, I'm a bit ashamed to "confess" that sometimes I feel like I've restricted myself. I used to read a lot of Fantasy - like King Arthur and Fairy mythology...that has fallen by the wayside a bit. I kind of want to focus my blog on the spooky (even though other stuff sneaks in sometimes) and I've not been reading books that may not serve the blog 100%. I know I can read these books and not review them, but I read so slow as it is, I feel like every book I finish needs to go up on my blog or I won't have content. I also feel like if I read them and don't write about them...what's the point? I love discussing books and sharing my thoughts. I know it sounds like I'm reading to blog and not reading to read and that's not good. I need to read what I think I'll enjoy.
Also, I've been going to a lot more different conventions, signings and readings and I want to read books by the authors attending. So I've been focusing on that as well. This counts as positive because I'm finding awesome new authors and books and I love being able to understand what the authors are talking about. However, this counts as negative too because again...the other books that I do want to read are falling farther and farther down my TBR list.
I think the problem is this: There are just too many books out there that I want to read. Therein lies all the problems of readers.

Yes! I absolutely agree, especially with your last sentence. I think there's just so many books out there that I'm not able to reread anymore. Which can be good or bad :) Love your post!
Thanks for stopping by my post!
First a huge, and well deserved, congratulations for getting nominated!!!! I will definitely be voting for you!!!
I completely agree with your answer, I'm so grateful my book world has opened up, but I do long for the days when I wasn't so behind on reading all the books I want to get to. But I'm so happy to be part of this community, and I realize that I'm putting a lot of unnecessary pressure on myself as I suspect we all do.
I think I read a lot more, which means that I am constantly reading new things and sometimes ignoring the books I've had waiting on the shelf!
I do kind of miss the days when I didn't know about all the good books out there. I want to read them all and just don't have the time.
That's the only disadvantage of being a book blogger - I'm still a newbie, but from what I see, it sometimes comes close to becoming a second job! Maybe we should just take some time out of it, say, once a month, and read without a purpose. Kate summed it up very well: "I realize that I'm putting a lot of unnecessary pressure on myself as I suspect we all do".
BTW, I saw you read a couple of Jeri Smith-Ready's books - did you finish the series? I'm starting on the last WVMP installment.
Yes! My reading habits have changed too! I read so much more and more consistently as well. Instead of going on reading binges, I now just read all the time. And because I've found so many awesome bloggers with tastes that are different from mine, I've read outside of my comfort zone more often.
I feel the same way about posting reviews on everything I read. I always feel that I need to share them and if I don't I'll have to read another book super fast to ensure I have a post :S It's really silly because we should all be reading and reviewing what we want! lol.
Thats awesome that your going to so many conventions and signings! There are a lot in my area but I'm so shy and it really makes me anxious. I think in several months I'm going to try my hand at attending more events.
Lauren @ Lose Time Reading
I'm so glad you mentioned about reading *for the blog*. I was doing that and it put me in one of my worst reading slumps ever.
I was trying to read the more popular books first and get a review up rather than reading what was appealing to me. Of course I ended up hating those books because I wasn't int he mood and begin the only blogger writing a negative review lol
I'm also learning not to review everything. That's been harder to do than I thought.
My reading habits have been more organized. I read on deadline. Sometimes I feel pressured and obligated, and it feels like a job. But then, I think of the times when I discover such an amazing author, and it's all worth it in the end. I don't read as much paranormal anymore. Most of what I read is historical, YA, and romance. Maybe western and contemporary depending on my mood. Not a lot of vampire novels either... I guess I might have grown out that phase already...
My reading habits have changed too - sometimes not for the better, like when I was tracking the number of books I read, and then I would choose books based on how short they were to meet a goal. I was also reading too fast, and not remembering even the title of a book I'd just read a few days after reading it. But I adjusted - cut out some things. For the better, it has changed because I see more recommendations from bloggers, and experience new authors I wouldn't have come across before.
Tanya Patrice
They have changed and will continue to change. Sometimes I jump on a bandwagon and sometimes I go the other way. :) I think it more has to do with my moodiness and the mass amount of choices available now :)
@Sunny-You are right it is a postivie and a negative situation.
@Kate-Thanks! I always felt behind on books I wanted to read. And you're right I should stop putting pressure on myself.
@Justice-Sadly, the shiny new books often win out over the older ones.
@Kathy-It's a mixed blessing!
@Roberta-Blogging takes up SO much time. I don't want to treat it like a 2nd job, but I think it is anyway. Didn't finish the WVMP series yet.
@Steph-I think that is great you try different things. I still stick with my ol' reliables.
@Lauren-Yes, we should all be reading what we want. Especially as this is a hobby and supposed to be enjoyable.
@Karen-I need to learn from you...I'm trying to make a conscious effort to read what I want. I don't know if I'll be able to not review everything though, lol.
@Arianne-You need to tell us how you became more organized! I don't think I'll ever get tired of Vampire stories.
@Tanya-I think it's okay to choose a book b/c it's short. Sometimes you need to do that!
@Felicia-There are so many choices and that's a good thing!
Hiya Midnyte!
Can't disagree with the feeling that there are always so many books, so little time, but as long as the reading continues to give us pleasure, we should read on :-) I totally agree with Kate when she mentions us putting undue pressure on ourselves. Every blogger has a different system, and I think it's important that we stay true to what we really want to read, and not to read out of an obligation or because we feel like we 'should' be reading something. Great post as always!
Too many books, not enough time should be the theme song for all bloggers. Either that or I need a time turner like Hermione!
I sometimes feel the negative affects of blogging as well. I read a lot of YA now, which is great, but I miss reading chick lit books. I'm trying really hard this year to strive for a better balance.
@DarkEva-Yes, Kate is correct! We do put undue pressure on ourselves. And that is very wise that each blogger has a different system.
@Kim-Yes, I know there is a t-shirt somewhere out there. I'm with you on the better balance goal.
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