Title Author: Vanishing Girls by Lauren Oliver.
Read by: Saskia Maarleveld, Elizabeth Evans, Dan Bittner, Justis Bolding, Tavia Gilbert, Joel Richards.
Genre: YA, Contemporary, Mystery.
Source: Library.
Synopsis: Dara and Nick used to be inseparable, but that was before the accident that left Dara's beautiful face scarred and the two sisters totally estranged.
When Dara vanishes on her birthday, Nick things Dara is just playing around. But another girl, nine-year-old Madeline Snow, has vanished too, and Nick becomes increasingly convinced that the two disappearances are linked. Now Nick has to find her sister, before it's too late. ~Goodreads.
Midnyte Musings: Vanishing Girls caught my attention from the beginning, and held it throughout the story.
I liked main character Nick and felt kind of sorry for Dara. The dynamics of the two sisters were interesting. They are envious of each other because they see in each other what they do not see in themselves. Nick was athletic and smart and Dara was pretty and popular. Mix that with the boy next door and the jealousy, insecurity and resentment escalate.
But Nick also discovers that Dara holds a secret and it might be the key to not only Dara's strange and distant behaviors but also a missing child. The plot was intriguing and at times exciting with the twists and turns.
I did like the alternating pov's of the two sisters telling the story. It gave insight into the characters and even more once you get to the end. Oliver also has a lovely and haunting writing style and the chapters flew by.
I admit it, I did not predict the mystery/ending. A lot of people did, but I guess that was good for me in that I was surprised. However, I was also annoyed. I don't mind unreliable narrators, but for some reason, my reaction was less than positive. I really wonder if Oliver didn't intend to have Dara be dead at first, because it really read like that. I know this is part of the twist and drama, but it felt a little...like a cheat?
Narration: The narration was very good. No complaints.
Enjoyable. Worth the read.

LOL! I read this on a feed reader and your spoiler had no blackout on it. Haha. Whoops! I like Lauren Oliver, and I think this one is new to me.
I have been enjoying thrillers lately and like you enjoy a unreliable narrator. I like that we get both perspectives. Thanks for sharing!
Vanishing Girls was an amazing, sad read with really well built characters and a fantastic focus on sisters. I was very happy with how it turned out. Lauren Oliver has yet to disappoint me!
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