Feature and Follow is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read. Click on the links to visit their blogs and find out more about this great meme.
Snap it Time! A picture is worth a thousand words. Anything and anything. Just give us a pic.
This is my doggie Mari. She is a rescue and is so sweet and totally adorable (as you can see.) Yes, I'm very, very biased...but I can't help it! She is a very independent dog and not overly friendly. My husband says she takes after me.
This is our evil cat, Mr. Meow Meow Kitty. He was found hanging around my sister's house and no one claimed him despite the lost cat signs we put up. Could it be because he is so evil that the original owners didn't want him back? Or did he accomplish his mission of destroying them and is now working on us? His soft spot is Mari. He is in love with her although they come from different animal planets. He follows her, watches her from the window when she goes out and sometimes tries to cuddle with her. Mari mostly ignores him, until he gets too fresh. Then she puts him in his place with a snarl and a bark.
What is your awesome pictures this week?

Aww pics of your pets, that's so sweet.
Oh gosh Mari and Lizzie would be best buds. In fact, they look (and sound) like they might be evil twins. Lizzie is not super friendly, likes to herd EVERYTHING, and wants her own way. She is a rescue to and I figure probably paying me back 10 fold for ever being a teenager LOL
Love your pets, even the evil cat :)))) New GFC follower. My FF
The eviler the cat the funner he is! Great pic! :D Happy Friday!
What cute pets. I followed bloglving since GFC isnt working as usual. Ill try again later. Happy Friday!
Brittany @ Please feed the Bookworm
Follow Me Here :-)
What a cute dog, and evil cat, lol. That's funny that both our names are Pam in regards to our website names too! :) Now following with twitter, fb, bloglovin and email. Happy Friday!
~Pam @ Moonlight Reader
Thanks for sharing your pets!
Aww love seeing pictures of pets!!
Awww love them, so cute! New bloglovin follower, have a great weekend!
Oh furry friends are wonderful. They are very adorable. new follower.
Aww loving these cuties!! Thanks so much for visiting my blog. Following through bloglovin
Cuties! xx
Thea @ Gizzimomo's Book Shelf
@Itara - They are great photo subjects.
@Felicia-Yeah! Lizzie sounds awesome! Maybe I can meet her someday!
@Barbara-The evil cat is a lot of fun actually.
@Liesel-So. True.
@Brittersweet-Thank you!
@Pam-I never met any other Pam's growing up. Now it seems they're everywhere...maybe it's just b/c of social media.
@Angelica-I do too.
@Alma-Thank you!
@Jenn-I agree, lol.
@Kristen-Thank you, I have to admit they are pretty cute.
@Thea-Thank you! :)
Sweet furry babies! New bloglovin follower
Super adorbs!! I'm looking forward to seeing you again this summer!
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