I came across this on Twitter and thought it was so cute and fun. So, I know people get sick of a lot of memes, but I couldn't resist this one. If you'd like to join in, click on the button above. There's a set of questions for authors/writers too!
1. What was your overall favourite book this year? (Yes. Pick one.)
N0S4A2 by Joe Hill. (Still working on my review!)
2. Favourite debut(s)? (Author must have been first published in 2013.)
I didn't read a debut author this year.
3. Which books did you reread this year?
None. I don't re-read books. Maybe I will someday.

4. Favourite cover(s) this year!
Paper Valentine by Brenna Yovanoff.
5. Worst cover(s)?
I'll take a pass on this one. 6. What self-published books did you read this year?
None. I don't really read self-published books.
7. Which book(s) gave you a massive hangover?
Take a guess based on answers 8, 9 and 10!
8. Best standalone you read?
N0S4A2 by Joe Hill.
9. Biggest book(s) you've read this year?
LOL, see above.
10. Book(s) you followed the hype for and then loved!
11. Most disappointing book(s) you read this year?
I was pretty disappointed in The Accursed because it was my first Joyce Carol Oates book and I was expecting it to be easier to read (listen to) and spookier.
12. Favourite leading-female character?
Vic from N0S4A2
Gin from Spider's Bite.
13. Favourite leading-male character?
Louis from N0S4A2
Nick from 3:59 by Gretchen McNeil.
14. Best romance(s)?
Gin and Donovan in Spider's Bite by Jennifer Estep.
Jade and Donovan in The Dead and Buried by Kim Harrington. (Hmmm, interesting, two Donovans.)
15. What book(s) hit the DNF list? (Did not finish.)
I feel bad, but I put down The Morganville Vampires. However, I do intend to pick it up again at some point.
16. What book(s) did you read out of your comfort-zone?I'm reading The Book Thief by Markus Zusak right now. I haven't read a historical fiction in a long time and I usually avoid books about WWII and the plight of the victims involved. Ironically, after this one, I'll have read two set during WWII. The second being Life After Life by Kate Atkinson.
17. Which author did you read the most from?
I didn't read any author more than once this year.
18. Top 5 books you'd recommend from all the books you've read this year?
N0S4A2 by Joe Hill
Paper Valentine by Brenna Yovanoff
Mister Slaughter by Robert McCammon.
Beautiful Sorrows by Mercedes Yardley.
Spider's Bite by Jennifer Estep.
19. How many books did you read this year all up?
Unfortunately only 32. I know, it was a slow year.
20. What's a book you're hugely excited for coming out in 2014?!
To be honest, I haven't been paying attention! And to be even more honest, I don't usually research what is coming out until I go to BEA and see what they have there.
So what about you? What are some of your favorite books, romances or characters you've encountered this past year?

I always crash and burn with these questions. I know my answers right up until someone asks me lol
I am so horrible under pressure!!
I've heard so many good things about N0S4A2! I'll have to make sure that's on my TBR! And I really want to read 3:59! I own The Book Thief and plan on reading it soon. I normally can't handle WWII books very well, though. I read Night by Elie Wiesel and had to pretend it was fiction! But The Book Thief is fiction, so maybe I'll be able to handle it a bit better. This post reminds me that I need to do The Perpetual Page Turner's End of Year Survey soon! But I'm trying to get a few more books in before the end of the year, so I'll probably wait until then.
So, you liked NOS4A2? ;) That is definitely one of my favorite books of the year! I still need to read Paper Valentine (and 3:59!) but at least I have both waiting for me. And that two Donavan's is a bit weird. I don't know anyone in real life with that name, but I guess there's few actors I can think of... lol.
I am so excited for BEA 2014!! I'm buying my pass early as a Christmas present (not going to apply for Press, the stress of waiting to know if they approve it is too much and I haven't been a faithful blogger this year so I would feel like a fraud). I think I'll skip the Blogger Con though, which makes me sad, but it's really pricey. I just don't think it's worth all that... but I'll wait to see what they're offering this year.
I want to read 3:59!! I've heard Gretchen McNeil can get preeeetty creepy (which is just awesome). And I still need to read The Book Thief! I'm watching the hype around the movie and thinking I need to be part of this. ;)
Thanks for linking up with us!
Oh, I plan to read The Book Thief sometime! I totally agree with WWII books being creepy, though. (That'd be the main reason I haven't read it, same as Code Name Verity. WWII is just so creepy!) Great list!
LOL I have a hard time answering questions like these because I have too many books and I can't just pick one.
@Karen-I had to go back through my posts!
@Andrea-I would love to know what you think of the books you mentioned.
@Kate-Yes, please read Paper Vaentine. And don't worry about the Blogger Con, we'll find other fun things to do.
@Cait-I really enjoyed 3:59. It's a fun story.
@Mime-I just find WWII books very heartwrenching.
@Kipha-It is hard to narrow down the favorites.
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