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I know that GFC is probably going by the way side, but feel free to follow using it. I'm hanging on to the bitter end. You can also follow using Mister Linky, Bloglovin or subscribe via e-mail.
This week's question: Give us a sneak peek! What are you reading? Tell us about a fun or fail scene in your current read.
I'm finally reading Spider's Bite by Jennifer Estep. I'm only on page 66 so I haven't gotten that far into it yet. What is working for me is the complexity of the main character Gin. Hints of her background coming through in mysterious snippets - love. I also do like the world and all the people and their elemental abilities, but at the same time it is a bit confusing. Gin is a Stone elemental, which is pretty cool. But why can she manipulate ice wouldn't that be water? This isn't enough to drive me crazy and I'm just going to go with it.
Another thing that isn't working for me yet is Gin's sexual fantasies about the police detective. This is my fault though, I don't love romance in books, but I do think it's funny that after her fantasies she says, Mmmm.
What are you reading now? What are you loving or not loving about it?

I haven't heard of that book. I might have to look it up and add it to my TBR list.
New follower via GFC and BlogLovin
My FF @ The Creative Forum
Happy Reading! :)
Haven't heard of this one before, but it sounds really cool (but I'm a bit of a romance junkie myself lol!)
Following via GFC, Linky & Bloglovin :)
I love mythical creature books Elementals aren't done too much thanks.
new follower Jodie @ Aussie Bookworm
Hmmm she has fantasies about a sexy detective? I may have to check this book out. LOL! I really like your header!
Jess @ Literary, etc (new follower via bloglovin)
Just hopping through!
New follower via Linky & Bloglovin. =)
Bieke @ Istyria book blog
I love your blog design. Followed via Bloglovin. :)
Christie @ The Shadower's Shelf
Hopping through. I've been meaning to read Jennifer's books for a long time. I should get to them.
My Hop
I like romance, but I like more of a slow build (and especially if it complicates the story). Too much and it really throws me off.
While I know of her books, I've never read anything by Jennifer Estep! I hope you enjoy this book! :)
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Hi there I'm just passing by. New GFC follower here.
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