Book Blogger Confessions is a meme that allows book bloggers to discuss issues unique to what we encounter in the blogging world. Every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month we will post a question and invite you to answer, comment and discuss opinions and different views.
Please keep the dialogue courteous. No bashing!
If you would like to participate in this meme sign up below and please feel free to to grab the button to include in your post with a link to For What It's Worth Reviews or here at Midnyte Reader.
Question: Reading challenges: Do you host or join in any? What is your success rate on completing them? Do they keep your reading goals on track, put too many restrictions/pressure on you? What do you think makes for a successful reading challenge?
Answer: If you look in my sidebar you can see all the Reading Challenges I've joined this year and that I'm hosting. There is a reason I created each one I'm hosting.
For my AAD Challenge, I did it because I wanted to familiarize myself with some of the authors who attend AAD so when I meet them I know what they've written. I've found some amazing authors this way. For my Horror Challenge, it was because I love horror and the same for the NOLA reading Challenge - I love the city of New Orleans and sometimes I'll read a book just because it takes place there. Just a side note, I always research to make sure no one else is hosting the same challenges.
For the ones I host I don't think I really put any difficult restrictions on them. Sometimes I think I'm too laid back. A lot of bloggers, have a wrap up every month or 3 months or something. I don't. Maybe I spread myself too thin, I don't know. I just want people to have fun. I also love it when Reading Challenges cross over.
I also joined The Audio Book Challenge because I listen to audio books all the time in my car so that was kind of a no brainer. And, I joined a TBR pile Reading Challenge for obvious reasons. I also like the GR counter on how many books you read in a year.
Unfortunately, I don't think I ever "completed" a Reading Challenge (except the GR ones last year). But there's still several months in 2013 to go! I think that Reading Challenges keep my reading goals on track and they ALSO put restrictions/pressure on me. I love how they sort of push you to pick up that book that you've been meaning to read, but never have, but oh look! That book fits into this or that challenge - perfect! However, there are times I look at my TBR pile and will want to reach for a certain book, but then I'll see another one that will fit a challenge and I'll reach for that instead.
I think what makes for a successful reading challenge is a good blog host/ess. (Hangs head in shame.) Someone who can be a cheerleader and a good example. (Hangs head lower in shame. ) I try to have contests throughout my challenges and I always read and comment on every review that a participant links up. Also, for my AAD Challenge last year, I gave gift cards for the people who posted the most reviews. But of course, I always want to do better and be more involved that I am. I love Karen's suggestion of having discussion posts along with the Challenges. I think I'll have to try that.
Hmmm, all this discussion makes me really want to do better on my Reading Challenge hosting.
I'd love to hear your thoughts on Reading Challenges.

The feeling restricted part is why I don't join any... but I like the idea of a challenge making you pick up a book you hadn't considered yet. My favourite books were all library books at first, ones that caught me completely off guard. Maybe if I start doing challenges I might find more like that!
I've never been tempted to join challenges, because it would take all the fun out of my readings...but obviously they worked for you :). Anyway, I wouldn't be able to join them even if I wanted to, because of my limited budget and lack of free material (it's not like I can borrow my YA books written in English from Italian libraries).
As for my own BBC posts, I'll be back on June 3rd...because, honestly, I wouldn't have anything significant to add to the discussion till then :). But I'll be lurking in the shadows LOL.
I once participated in a debut author challenge for the Class of 2K10. They promote a group of YA books and authors. It was actually a personal challenge - only me lol but I had a lot of fun with it and met all the authors at Books of Wonder during a 2K10 event there.
"Hangs head lower in shame" LMAO
I think you make great points with challenges and having a good host/hostess. I do think challenges do make you accomplish your goals and introduce you to new authors.
Even if you got a little done ..then that's great :)
@Roberta: You can't borrow books written in English from Italian libraries? I know our libraries don't have English-only so that sucks! You could read Italian books- my Women Challenge one is actually hosted & mainly entered by Italian citizens.
See you in June! Interested to see what comes up much after then...
@Julie: You have the same thoughts as me basically! XD
@Pam: Ooh, cheerleaders. I don't get why we don't really have them in Britain... I swear I'd try (and end up being the one they want to kick off the squad probably).
@Amy: not the YA books I've specialized in ;). Or not where I live.
To be honest, I kind of suck at reading challenges unless it is something I would have done anyway (which means not really a challenge). Plus I am horrible about linking up my reviews but I have fun following along with challenges :)
@moonlight-I found a lot of GREAT books via challenges.
@Roberta-That stinks you are limited in your books : ( Challenges do feel restrictive to some. I try not to get too uptight about them.
@Karen-I'm hoping there will be some events at BOW during BEA. I really like reading an author's book(s) before I meet them.
@Julie-I really need to step up my game as a hostess. I agree that even if I only get 1 book read for a challenge, one that I may not have read otherwise, then I've accomplished something.
@Amy-I didn't realize there were no cheerleaders in England. Interesting.
@Felicia-lol, I'm bad at linking up reviews too. I always seem to miss a deadline and then when it comes around again, I forget. That's why I keep mine open.
This year I didn't join any challenges. I wanted to be able to enjoy my reading and thought it would be too much pressure with everything else going on right now. :)
I fail at challenges Pam! I tried a couple when I first started blogging and after about a month, I completely gave up on them. I think the challenges made me feel like I was back in school with required reading lists, which is just silly given I could pick and choose which books to read, but I think that's why I couldn't follow through with them. I hope you complete all your challenges this year, good luck!
Great topic! I am finding the hardest thing is keep up with where I am with all the challenges. I like the idea of the discussions too. :)
Happy Reading!
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