Book Blogger Confessions is a meme that allows book bloggers to discuss issues unique to what we encounter in the blogging world. Every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month we will post a question and invite you to answer, comment and discuss opinions and different views.
Please keep the dialogue courteous. No bashing!
If you would like to participate in this meme sign up below and please feel free to to grab the button to include in your post with a link to For What It's Worth Reviews or here at Midnyte Reader.
Question: Have you added or considered adding additional reviewers to your blog? Why or why not? If you have, please share how you found the right match when bringing new people to your established blog. Did you encounter any problems?
Answer: I would love to have another reviewer on my blog. Not only would it take some of the pressure off, but I would just love to be able to offer more to readers. This is why I will usually take a guest post or review as long as it is a good fit.
If I had another reviewer, we could also share books, go to signings and cons together and be bff's forever! Yeah, I'm a little lonely in my blogging bubble at times. I think it would be great to be able to brainstorm features and ideas. Also, for hosting duties on Challenges and events it would be helpful as well. I think having someone else involved would increase my excitement and productivity. What's the saying? Work shared is work halved? But as stated above, how would I find the right person? I think it would have to be someone I knew well already.
On that note, I'm happy to say that one of my friends who has done a guest post in the past and who I've been pestering to write reviews is going to be doing another kind of feature on the blog. So stay tuned for it, but in the meantime you can check out the new About Us page HERE!
On the flip side, I'm happy being solo as well. I can do what I want, when I want. If I'm not in the mood to blog, there isn't someone shaming me into it (except myself). I'm not constrained by a project if I don't feel like getting to it at that exact moment.
I've also heard of problems that some bloggers had with co-reviewers and I wouldn't want that headache. Also, what if I want to change the header and my co-blogger vetoes the idea? I guess you would need to determine the "terms of service" beforehand. Would that blogger have just as much say as you? Maybe if you started the blog together it would be, but maybe not if you brought them on in a specific capacity.
How about you? Do you have a co-blogger? Would you want one. What do you see as the pros and/or cons?

I understand the issues with adding a reviewer to one's blog...also, it's nice to have one's own page where its creator can do anything she/he wants (design-wise too). I guess having a guest reviewer is the best move...also because blogging is not a job, so it's not like we need someone to split it we? ;)
Like I said, a guest blogger with her/his own feature is different though. I'm curious about Mona now. Good luck to both with your new project!
You know, I never really thought about this, other than I knew that some of the most successful blogs have more than one blogger running the show. I love the idea of it, but it would be hard to find a book twin, and I would need another Midnight Book Girl. Well, maybe twin is the wrong term, but someone who felt the same excitement not just at the thought of reading books, but would want to be a Midnight Book Girl too, because I love my design way too much to give it up. There is part of me, most of me, that is very content where I am with regards to my blog, but there is a small part of me that thinks I'm not working hard enough on my blog and would love a blog partner that's more business minded than me. Someone unafraid to write to publishers, authors, etc. And definitely someone to help with giveaways! Great topic today!
ah brainstorming and working well with someone. I have seen it end badly so I am bit scared to share my blog too.
I don't think I could add another reviewer to my site, because of my blog name. But I'm trying to get my brother to write some reviews for me. I'll call his reviews "Meathead on Books".
YES! If I had another reviewer, I would love to share books, go to signings and cons together~ I have no one to go with or want to come with me. Even my sisters think I'm crazy for asking them to join me, so I need a friend. I haven't thought about sharing my blog because I haven't been as active with it as I like but I feel like I'll lose it if I were to share it because I'm not as active.
I'm the co-blogger over at My Shelf Confessions. And I think the key is not starting that person out right away with everything, but they work up you know and take on more as time passes. It also depends on how experienced they are with blogging. That worked best with April and I - til now we are full partners. It is alot to give up any kind of control I know - but if you find the right match it is so rewarding. I love April and ew are total besties now!
I love my associate reviewer, both because she is wonderful and because we have a clear definition of what is expected of each other.
By the way, you should totally check out the post on My Shelf Confessions that Pabkins mentions - they've outlined a really great process for looking for a co-blogger :)
Great points. I don't think I would want a co-blogger having any input to my design or review style lol but boy would it be nice to share some of the ups & downs of blogging and have someone to brainstorm with!
I've seen it really work well on other blogs though so maybe it's just a matter of finding the right person.
I just like it being mine! I don't mind having Guest Reviewers but on a whole I want the blog to be my voice.
I also don't really have any obligations that prevent me from taking a week off here and there. If I start to feel bogged down, I just stop whatever makes me feel that way. I think having other reviewers might actually make it more work than I am willing to do LOL
I am also a pantser. I don't plan to far out which is why I don't participate in many things. I just like it being free flowing. I tend to stress when I am participating in group things (like now with the awards) so I limit those. I can't imagine having to do it daily as a collaboration with another blogger LOL
@Roberta-Yes, I guess a guest reviewer is so different from a co-blogger.
@Kate-Your design and format is awesome. I love your blog and the way you do reviews, so I don't blame you for not wanting to change anything.
@Julie-Yes, there are pros and cons to co-blogging.
@Steph-I was actually thinking of asking my niece/nephew to write for me too. "Meathead" - hysterical.
@Pabkins-Your suggestion is a great one. I also loved your post on the topic.
@Kat-Having a clear definition of your roles is key.
@Karen-I agree...but I also am able to talk to my bloggy pals about the ups and downs of blogging and to brainstorm. But when you are working with someone on the same blog, the brainstorming really flows.
@Felicia-That's a good point too, that adding a co-reviewer may cause more work. Because then you may feel like you have to check on things. I'm a pantster too and I don't usually participate in stuff. I would like to, but it stresses me out, lol.
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