Last night's dream:
I'm at BEA and I have two ARCs in my hand. A woman hands me two more prequels to them. She leads me to a library where they are holding some kind of event. Tori from The Book Faery and Karen form For What It's Worth Reviews are there as well. The woman tells us that we can't bring our ARCs in the library and to leave them on the table. I'm a little hesitant but she assures me that no one will take them.
Once we are in the library we have to go around to different sections to talk to authors and get books. It's kind of like a treasure hunt. At some point, Tori, Karen and I are in a huge room with a very long table. The table is holding antiques and bric-a-brac. Then my dad is there. He points out a potholder that he wants and I tell him he can have it. Then Karen says he can't because she made it. I know this is going to be hard to relay because he is hard of hearing. Tori hands Karen a health drink, but then a bee flies out of it. Apparently bees are very healthy and live ones are an ingredient. I dive under the table but Karen is not afraid of it.
I make my way out of the library because I realize practically the whole day has gone by and I've missed all the signings I wanted to go to. I try to find my books on the table, but it is covered with other piles of books that I know belong to other people. I desperately try to find my books, but I can't figure out which ones they are. I only really want one of them anyway, so I take a random one on the table. I feel guilty because I know it is probably someone else's but I hope that it will even out, because mine is under all the books.
I'm pretty sure this is an anxiety dream regarding BEA. I often have dreams like this where I miss something. If you are going to BEA are you having any kind of dreams about it?
Do you think this dream has any deeper meaning? Have you had any bookish dreams lately?
This is also a good time to announce that I have a few posts planned this week, but I will be busy hopefully *not* missing any signings at BEA.

Bwahaha! That's great.
Pam that is funny, I think we all have some kind of weird BEA dreams. LOL moral of the story don't put your books down :)
How funny! I find that I still have school dreams like this (and I've been out of school for quite awhile!). Don't stress - you'll make it to all those signings! :-)
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
I forgot to say - I actually had a bookish dream just last night!! I am currently reading Warm Bodies and last night I had a dream that I was being attacked by zombies. Funny because I don't think I often dream about the books I read!
I don't usually have book dreams...only room dreams. Very detailed ones at that. Maybe I should have become an interior designer!
Your dream was funny, especially the bee bit. Who knows what a psychologist would make of it LOL.
Good luck with BEA! Take home lots of interesting stuff :).
no real book dreams lately...tough mudder ones now LOL a bea and can't bring the arc's.Hope that your nerves calm down and have fun at BEA :)
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