Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Romancing the Vampire Giveaway!

Romancing The Vampire: From Past to Present by David J. Skal.

Long before Edward Cullen and the Twilight phenomenon, there was Angel, Barnabas Collins and Bela Lugosi, and many others in between. They are vampires — the undead. Add an infusion of Bella, Buffy and Carla Laemmle, then sprinkle in unforgettable characters such as Renfield and little Eddie Munster, and you have a capsule of how cinematic vampires are viewed by today’s world. But there were vampires walking this earth long before the invention of movies and television. In this book, author David J. Skal weaves a narrative history of vampirism, from the ancient Aztecs through the writings of Bram Stoker, Anne Rice and Stephenie Meyer. But what makes this book even more unique are the replicas tucked inside sleeves and pockets. There are removable photos of Bram Stoker, Carmilla and Lord Byron. For movie buffs, it has posters from Nosferatu, Dracula Has Risen From The Grave starring Christopher Lee, and Bram Stoker’s Dracula — along with a replica of Stoker’s “Dracula” notes. It also has photographs from Forks, Washington, where the Twilight series is based. Take a walk through the history of the undead, with romance, horror and blood along the way. 

Foreword by Nina Auerbach, author of Our Vampires, Ourselves. Afterword by Rosemary Guiley, author of Encyclopedia of Vampires, Werewolves and Other

This is a gorgeous book that I picked up especially for Halloween Hootenanny when Borders was closing.  I didn't get a chance to give them away last year so here they are for 2012.  I didn't realize just how cool it was until I got home and opened one up. First of all the book itself comes in a sleeve cover.

Then the inside is full of information and pictures in a scrap/memory book type form. You can actually touch and take out elements.

I admit I picked one up for myself too!

~I have six (6) books to give away to six (6) different winners.  (Yes!  That's right!  Six!)

To Enter:
~Leave your name (use what I can announce on the blog if you win) and e-mail address on the Rafflecopter form.
~Leave a comment below answering the following question: Would you like to be a vampire or a vampire hunter?
~That's it! No need to follow, tweet, or like unless you want extra entries. 

~Winner will be chosen by Rafflecopter.
~This contest is international!
~Please see my contest policy HERE.
~This contest ends on October 24, 2012 at 12:01am.
~If winner does not contact me within 72 hours (3 days) of my first e-mail, unfortunately another winner will be chosen.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good Luck!



Unknown said...

ooh that is a tough question. I think both would be fun, but ultimately I'd be a hunter that ends up turned willingly, romanced by the very nature of the beast. :)

thanks for posting this giveaway.

Pyper541 said...

I'd rather be a vampire! Who doesn't want to be immortal, think of all the things you could see.

Anonymous said...

Vampire Hunter... They get bad ass toys.



Anonymous said...

That looks like an awesome book!

I'm going to go with turning into a vampire... only because I like the idea of living longer right now, lol ooh, imagine, I might actually catch up on reading! LOL

Thanks for the chance at winning this fab prize :)

aliciaeflores1 @

valerie2350 said...

vampire sounds lovely

Matteo said...

Wow, it seems to be a great book! *_* Thanks for the chance at winning this book!!

I'd prefer to be a vampire hunter! I don't like the idea of drinking blood and especially... I don't want to live forever. °_°

Shadow said...

looks awesome! thanks for the giveaway! :)
id think id want to be the vampire hunter. it would be cool to be able to kick butt and save the day. :) hehe

iluvhallow33n said...

I would like to be the vampire. I always want more time.

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