It's October so that means it's time to start 'Salem's Lot by Stephen King!
Join Midnight Book Girl and myself for this scary read-a-long.
(In November we will be reading- Misery and/or Cycle of the Werewolf discussion for Misery will take place at Midnight Book Girl and discussion for Cyle of the Werewolf will be here on Midnyte Reader.)
Here's the schedule for the 'Salem's Lot Read-a-long:
Oct. 17th: Chapters 1-8 Discussion.
Twitter Party starts at 8pm EST under the tag #SalemsLot
Oct. 31st: Chapters 9- Epilogue Discussion.
Twitter Party Starts at 9pm EST under the tag #SalemsLot
Midnight Book Girl is hosting a Twitter online watching of Carrie the movie (which is currently available on Netflix!) on Oct. 28t starting at 8pm EST so please join in!
(Unfortunately, I won't be able to join in on 10/28 or 10/31 as I'll be working those evenings. But I'm looking forward to the Twitter party on 10/17.)
Sign up for 'Salem's Lot Read-a-long below, and feel free to post or tweet about this read-a-long!

Hmm, I might need to re-think the Carrie watch party then... Maybe we can do it on the 17th? Or maybe even earlier like the 14th? I'll be too lazy to do much but lay around and watch movies the Sunday after readathon anyways...
This sounds like fun and I just finished re-reading The Shining..I cannot wait for book two Doctor's Notes..eep!
I need to go get me a copy of Salem's Lot.
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