Book Blogger Confessions is a meme hosted by Tiger from All Consuming Media and Karen from For What It's Worth Reviews to discuss issues unique to book bloggers. To find out details, click HERE.
Question for Monday May 7th: Comments. The holy grail of blogging success! What type of posts do you leave comments on? How do you try to encourage more comments on your blog? Do you respond to people who leave comments on your posts? How do you handle negative/spam comments? Do you use captcha?
Answer: I leave comments on any post that interests me! I haven't figured out how to encourage more comments on my blog yet, lol. I try to ask questions sometimes, but it doesn't always work for me. I try to respond to people who leave comments, but sometimes I am not able to due to time or the nature of the comment. I don't get a lot of negative spam/comments...So I've been pretty lucky. I do not use Captcha after I realized that it made it more difficult for people to leave comments.

Yeah, I haven't figured out the secret to success on comments either. I do try to comment everyday and I try hard to comment on blogs of people who comment on mine... but some days I fail. Okay, some weeks. I try though! And I try to remember that just because people don't comment doesn't mean they aren't reading, because I don't like to leave "great review!" comments either so sometimes I literally have nothing original to say, but it doesn't mean I'm not reading a post!
I suck at commenting! Its one of my blogging fails. Even with the comment pact I find that I fail. I find that book reviews often don't get enough love so I try to make an effort to read and comment on those.
So as you can tell I suck at commenting because this comment is really late lol
I do what I can and although I would love more comments on my blog I do understand that everyone is busy with life these days. I appreciate every single one though no matter how long or short.
I'm like Karen up there. LOL
Sometimes I wish it was my full time job to blog and comment. It sucks that my real life job forces my attention away from stuff I'd rather be doing.
Like you, I don't think there is any real way to get people to comment. They are going to if they want to, and only if they find your post interesting. I don't blame them because not everything appeals to everyone.
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