Genre: YA.
Publisher: Point.
Source: Purchased.
Favorite character:
Favorite quote:
All in all: Pride and Prejudice “light.”
Synopsis: It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single girl of high standing at Longbourn Academy must be in want of a prom date.
After winter break, the girls at the very prestigious Longbourn Academy become obsessed with the prom. Lizzie Bennet, who attends Longbourn on a scholarship, isn't interested in designer dresses and expensive shoes, but her best friend, Jane, might be - especially now that Charles Bingley is back from a semester in London.
Lizzie is happy about her friend's burgeoning romance but less than impressed by Charles's friend, Will Darcy, who's snobby and pretentious. Darcy doesn't seem to like Lizzie either, but she assumes it's because her family doesn't have money. Clearly, Will Darcy is a pompous jerk - so why does Lizzie find herself drawn to him anyway?
My Thoughts: This is a very fast and easy read. And to be honest, it was just what I needed. It was familiar, so I didn’t really have to keep track of characters and wasn’t confused by plot points. Although it didn’t bring any new insights to the table, I enjoyed seeing what actions the author was going to have her modern day Austen players do. Prom instead of marriage, college parties instead of balls and Wickham’s antics.
However, nothing was revealed too much. It was as if someone was telling me a long gossipy story, a summation of Lizzie. I didn’t really learn anything about the characters. And while Lizzie admitted to some insight throughout the story, Darci did not and I was a bit disappointed with that. I also felt a few of the character’s actions were a bit over the top for my taste and the language didn’t always fit in a modern setting.
That being said, I just enjoyed it. It’s not as if I wanted to stop reading it. In fact, I couldn’t wait to pick it up again and see what spin the author put on events. I really did like the end too and Lizzie and Darci’s decision.
I think that this may appeal to younger teens and even middle grade readers. It may also be a great way to get readers familiar with Jane Austen.

I haven't read many Austen variations, but the ones I have read, I've enjoyed.
Glad you liked this one. I know the feeling of sometimes just needing something that isn't overly complicated, and fast and fun.
It's been a while since I read this, but I remember thinking that Eulberg's understanding of who was proud and prejudiced didn't mesh with mine. Still, I enjoyed this one because I think it's a timeless story. I really want to read some of Rosie Rushton's JA in the 21st Century books.
Glad you enjoyed this one too! I loved it just because it was light and easy and I could just have fun reading it without concentrating too hard or trying to figure anything out:) I know I need those types of reads sometimes!
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