I went in to NYC a little early so I could walk around a bit before the RWA signing. I wanted to visit the new Disney Store in Times Squre. Although I’m glad that there is a Disney store once again in the City, I have to admit I was disappointed by the lack of Haunted Mansion, Nightmare Before Christmas merchandise and pins in the store. At the Disney store on 6th Avenue, the cast members all wore pins to trade. I didn’t see anyone wearing pins in the Times Square location. Maybe they had problems in the previous store so opted not to continue. But hey, at least there’s a Disney store again.
I walked back through Times Square and figured out that the giant Transformer that was barricaded off was a prop for the cast of the movie making an appearance. They smiled and posed on a stage while cameras rolled and a crowd similar to a concert watched. I spotted The Naked Cowboy strumming his guitar, a cowgirl in a bikini (maybe they're a couple?), a few patient policemen letting tourists take pictures with them and counted 5 dogs. (I always count the dogs I see when I go to the City, since I see more there than in the 'burbs where I live.)
I got in line on the first floor of the Marriot Marquis and the woman in front of me promptly told me which author she was there for and showed me her book. She asked where my books were. I told her that I had a few books I had brought with me to get signed, but decided to leave them in the car because I wasn’t sure if we were allowed to bring them in. After several minutes of asking me where my car was, how long it would take me and strong encouragement to get my books, I ultimately did. Mistake.
Remember that concert sized crowd I mentioned before? On my way back to the Marriot, I got caught in it. If I been paying attention even a tiny bit more, I could have avoided it. It was hot, you know, summer in NYC-concrete-pressed people-hot. I wondered if I fainted, would people trample me or just step over my body? One little old lady tried to push and elbow her way through, until a gentleman sternly told her that other people were trying to get through too. “But I’m late!” She screamed. “We’re all late ma’am. This is not just about you!” Of course, this didn’t stop some other guy from shoving in front of me, elbowing me in the side and stepping on my foot. Yeah, I’m talking about you guy with the red knapsack! It seemed to take forever to get through the swamp of people that wasn’t even a block long. It wasn’t only because they were craning their necks to see what was going on and trying to snap pictures on their cell phones. It was because there were. Just. So. Many. People.
Finally, I got free and in the time it took me to get my books, the line had quadrupled. Rumors about the signing flew. "You could only bring in 2 books." "If you came in with more they would take them away from you." "You couldn’t take any books in with you." I was dubious since I had seen people on line with bags full of books. Also, I doubted that anyone would take books away from others, especially at a book conference. That just seems downright mean, doesn’t it? After several moments of speculation a woman who was working the event walked down the line with stickers for people who had more than two books they were bringing in.
Once I got inside the Broadway Ballroom, the noise and crowd reminded me of the tourist packed area of Times Square that I had just left. Eeek! I took a deep breath and headed over to a corner to get my bearings, snap a few pictures and put my raffle tickets in the giveaway baskets. Then I was ready to throw myself into the fray.
Juliet Marillier. |
Heather Graham. |
Oh and the lady who pushed in front of me not once, but twice and told me you’d be “just a second.” I really am not happy with you. I understand you are friends with the authors, but wow. Plus, you were way longer than a second. In fact, I waited so long, I left the table to seek out other authors on my list.
But I was cheered up when Mitali from Alley of Books found me for a quick hello and Verb Vixen introduced herself to me. I just started following her because I thought her purple haired profile pic is cool. Good decision on my part! I was impressed that Mitali bought no books. No books! What willpower!
Karina Cooper. |
As I was walking around in a bit of a daze I stopped at Wendi Corsi Staub's station because I recognized her books. She gave me a devil dog and we chatted about locations in New York State.
Wendi Corsi Staub. |
I really wanted to get a few books signed by Sherilynn Kenyon, but it was 8:30 and I was tired and in pain from walking and carrying around a heavy load.
So there I am hobbling back to the parking garage and I’m looking at a man sitting on the sidewalk with his prosthetic leg off with a sign around it saying he was a disabled vet when my co-worker steps in front of me with her sister. After a few hugs and a few minutes of “What are you doing here?" “How weird!” and the Vet pointing to us and calling out to passersby “See? That’s nice! See that? Now that’s nice!” we both continued on our way. I gave the Vet a dollar because his prosthetic leg was decorated with cool artwork.
I made it home. Exhausted, with back pain, foot pain, shoulder pain and a wicked headache probably from dehydration. I apologize that this post is kind of cranky and crabby and negative, but those few hours in the city were truly taxing. But worth it? Definitely.
Here are a few pictures from the signing. More books on my TBR pile!
Rosemary Clement-Moore. |
Tera Lynn Childs. |
Jennifer Estep. |
Jeaniene Frost. |
C.C. Hunter. |
Larissa Ione. |
Kim Harrison. |
Anne Aguirre. |
Sherilynn Kenyon (3rd from left). |
To celebrate Summer, I am giving away my signed copies of Forgive My Fins and Fins are Forever by Tera Lynn Childs to one winner.
Simply leave a comment telling me which author you'd like to spend summer vacation with and where you would go. No need to follow, tweet, link or like unless you'd like to.
- This contest is open to the US and Canada only.
- See my contest policy HERE.
- Giveaway ends Wednesday July 13, 2011 at midnight (EST).
- Winners will be chosen by Random.org.
- You may only enter once. Making a false entry will disqualify you!
- Please leave me a way to contact you. If I cannot contact you within 72 hours, another winner will be chosen.
- If you have any questions, please ask on the comment form or e-mail me at midnytereader@gmail.com.

KIM FREAKIN' HARRISON! Damn Pam, I am green with envy. So yea, that's who I'd like to spend my summer vacation with. I'd honestly like to go on a cruise around the Caribbean with her, and talk about Jenks and Kisten the entire time. lol :)
Thanks for the giveaway. I've really wanted to read the TLC books. :)
ash @smashattackreads.com
I got to go to this when they had a last minute change from TN to Orlando last year. It was a lot of fun and not nearly as insane as that looked for you!!
It is fun to meet everyone though. Is it just me or are people getting more vicious at these things?? lol
Aaand - what?? No Nightmare Before Christmas things?? Disney used to have a cool auction site and I have a lot of Jack & Zero collectables (cheap). Sadly I don't think it exists anymore and the stuff I find costs too much.
can the author be dead? I'd love to spend my summer with Oscar Wilde, traveling europe :P
I really want to read these books :P perfect for summer, mermaids!
Pam! Why are you so amazing?!
Wow! Another awesome event. I'd love to go on a vacation with Jeaniene Frost and visit London to see some of Bones's old haunts. LOL
Thanks so much for the giveaway!
missie at theunreadreader.com
I would love to spend a summer vacay with Courtney Allison Moulton and we would go...hmm, anywhere and everywhere! Kidding!
We'd hang out along the west coast...at all the beaches and talk about hot boys! :)
Thanks so much! I love mermaids, and I've been looking forward to reading these.
There are many amazing authors that I have met, and most of them would be a lot of fun to hang out with. But I'm picking JK Rowling. Because, um... yeah... And we'd go to Harry Potter world. A personal tour of Harry Potter world by the lady who created it. We'd jump to the front of every line. And, of course, the premiere of Harry Potter 7.2 where I could meet Daniel, Rupert, Emma, Helena Bonham Carter, Alan Rickman, etc. I hope I don't faint. Haha! And I'd get the scoop on all the secrets of this amazing world and the awesome characters that were left out of the books.
aine dot onetwistedpixie at gmail dot com
Great Giveaway! There are so many authors I would love to spend the day with (Richelle Mead, Melissa Marr, Cassandra Clare, Suzanne Collins, Rachel Caine, just to name a few). But if I had to choose one I'd pick Rick Riordan. This probably has something to do with the fact I just finished The Lost Hero and am dying to know what happens next. We probably would go to the Empire State building and hang put with Zeus then I'd talk him into giving an ARC of The Son of Neptune. Abgafford@crimson.ua.edu
AGHHHH! I am raging green with jealousy! One author I would love to spend the day with would be Jeanine Frost. I would love to talk about her characters and see how she develops the books and her writing as she writes the story.
bwithbite (at) gmail (dot) com
Eeeppp! Love this post! Nice pictures!
What a cool event, but MAN it sounds like a hassle too! lol Still, you've forced me to add several of these authors to my TBR.
Oh. And I want Karina Cooper's hair.
You got to meet Juliet Marillier - that is just too awesome! I love all of the pictures of the authors you included.
Choosing just one author is hard! But, I would have to say Holly Black - I'd be happy to just hang out and talk about her books, maybe get some info on Black Heart or visit some of the placed from White Cat and Red Glove.
OMG Larissa Ione, Kim Harrison, Anne Aguirre!!! Ugh! Me wants LOL
Isnt Jeaniene Frost awesome??? =D
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