Where: Jacob Javits Center, NYC
When: Friday, May 31, 2013.
The first thing I did on Friday was to go to where Alma Katsu was signing.
Then I managed to get a signed copy of Gameboard of the Gods by Richelle Mead.
Once I waited through the long line for the much anticipated Coldest Girl in Cold Town, I embarrassed myself. As Holly Black signed my book she said something and I couldn't hear her. I had to say "excuse me" twice before I heard; "I hope you like it." I apologized profusely and told her I would definitely like it. I should have just nodded, but what if that just made me look even dumber than I already did?
Then it was off to the Harlequin booth. The line was long, but it was fun chatting with people and listening to bookish conversations while waiting.
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Dawn Metcalf signed Indelible for people in line. |
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Katie McGarry signs Dare You To. |
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Amanda Sun signs Ink. |
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Julie Kagawa signs Eternity Cure. |
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Elizabeth Scott hides behind Heartbeat. |
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Victoria Schwab & her editor Miriam Weinberg. |
I went to the autographing area to try to find my pal Vince Liaguno. He was on the BEA website for a signing but couldn't be found on the schedule. I went to the HWA booth to find out the skinny. As I was asking someone there, Vince and Charles Day appeared who both greeted me warmly. Vince told me that the book wasn't out yet. Mystery solved. We discussed our excitement for the upcoming Stoker Awards in NOLA.
The Vicious line was long. Long, long, long. When I got up there, Victoria said she was glad I made it. I got in line just in time, because they ran out of books a few people behind me. One very nice woman in front of me told the two girls behind me that she was friends with the author and was just on line to say hello and she would get them books. It was such a nice and the girls who were at first extremely disappointed were so grateful. So, there you go. There *are* nice people in the world and they can be found at Book Expo.
This was another fairly long line, but I was lucky enough to get a copy of Ellen Datlow's anthology, Queen Victoria's Book of Spells.
I was very sad that my pictures of author John Horner Jacobs were blurry. I think I hit my settings and they went to manual. Ah well. John was signing The Twelve Fingered Boy which looks intriguing.
On my way around the Javits Center, I stumbled upon this talk at the Amazon booth with I Zombie author Hugh Howey (left). He gave great insights on writing and Indy publishing. "If you can't wait to get up in the morning (to write) you're doing something right." He feels it is important for an author to interact with their audience and to understand their audience. His tips to approach publishing? He stated that they vary. Publishing changes every day. "What do you want as a writer?" He asked. Do you want to see your books in a bookstore? Do you want your stories more available to readers? Each goal will lend itself better to a different approach. He discussed how Fanfiction and NanoWrimo are even changing the writing world. My favorite insight from Hugh was his attitude toward writing and publishing. His dream, he informed us, is that publishing is not about "us" vs. "them." "We need to compete with Facebook...encourage readers and writers, not fight among ourselves." He also advised to write for the love of writing.
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Hugh talks to a few attendees. |
My last signing of the day was Rick Yancey's The 5th Wave. I wasn't sure I'd be able to get this book because again, long line, but I was very happy I did.
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An attendee interviews this animated character. |
The Book Blogger Picnic was organized by Andrea from The Overstuffed Bookcase, Jen from Jen Ryland, Alexa from Alexa Loves Books and Katelyn from Tales of Books and Bands. We met in Central Park and the event was a huge success. Bloggers chatted and exchanged cards. Andrea's husband was kind enough to get us a Harry Potter cake. How cool is that?!

It looks like you had such a great time! I embarrassed myself more than once last year. I'd like to think that now that I've attended more author events that I won't embarrass myself in the future, but I know I will. I can't seem to help but do it.
Great recap! You saw a lot of terrific authors and I like your photos. The blogger picnic looked like fun too.
I SEE ME! That cake was delicious! You took SO MANY more pictures than I did! And I love them all!
What a great even, thanks for telling us about it. Love all the pics :)
So much fun! Thanks for sharing and letting us live vicariously through your good time :)
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