Book Blogger Confessions is a meme that allows book bloggers to discuss issues unique to what we encounter in the blogging world. Every 1st and 3rd Monday of the month we will post a question and invite you to answer, comment and discuss opinions and different views.
Please keep the dialogue courteous. No bashing!
If you would like to participate in this meme sign up below and please feel free to to grab the button to include in your post with a link to For What It's Worth Reviews or here at Midnyte Reader.
Question: Happy 2013! What are your blogging goals for the new year? Are you making any changes or testing out new ideas for reviews or organization? Have you joined any challenges?
What are the trends you noticed in blogging from 2012 and what do you hope to see for the blogging community in 2013?
Answer: Oh boy. Goals huh? We're supposed to have goals? I'd be happy just to be able to continue, lol. Seriously though, I'm more of a fly by the seat of my pants blogger. I'm pretty laid back and the thought of the tight schedules that other bloggers adhere to make me hyperventilate. I wish I could be uber organized, but I doubt that will happen with blogging.
However, I would like to get around to some of the features I've been planning and to resurrect some of the ones I haven't done in a while like Childhood Thrills and Midnyte Finds.
I also think that I want to read what I want to read at my own pace. I don't take review requests as it is, but I often think that I get so involved in other people's recommendations that I've neglected a lot of books that I might have otherwise read. I also don't want to feel pressured to read fast just because I want to or feel the need to provide a review on my blog. I want to relax and enjoy reading more!
To see the Challenges I've joined just look on my sidebar or click HERE.
Trends I saw: It seems to me I saw a lot of book tours in 2012. I don't usually pay too much attention to them because once I read one or two reviews, I'm pretty much aware of the book. But they do serve their purpose and I participate in a book tour once in a while as well. In 2013 I would just like to see more professionalism and respect towards everyone in the book community.

I did the same thing in 2012, paying a we bit too much attention to what bloggers were reading - and like you, this year, I plan on paying a little less attention to the latest buzz and spend m reading ore time enjoying the reading experience, which includes browsing libraries and book stores and randomly picking books.
Tanya Patrice
I'm one of those crazy bloggers who keeps a schedule. Mostly because it makes me feel in control instead of making me feel trapped. I am totally superstitious though... if I actually post my posting schedule, then something will happen to throw it off.
It seems that reading what we want, when we want, is a big goal for several of us this year! I've never be able to keep to a tight schedule, but found that scheduling a week or two worth of posts helps keep the pressure off and makes for a more relaxing blogging experience. Here's to a great 2013!
those seems like some good plans and totally agree about book tours and reading at own pace.
@Tanya-Yes! That's how I always used to find books!
@Steph-I admire that you can do that. But yeah, posting it is too much like committment to me. : )
@Alexia-Maybe we've been all falling into the same trap. I try to post ahead of time, but I'm a slow reader so that part is hard.
@Julie-I hope it works.
I'm almost too fast of a reader, so I've actually made myself slow down a bit so I can take notes. And because of that I'm able to write the reviews whenever I want instead of right away or never because I can't remember enough to make a good post. I tried at the beginning of last year to review every book I read, but I couldn't keep that up and once I got behind... so this year I want to write more reviews, but if it's a book I don't feel like reviewing then I simply won't. Or I'll do quick reviews for those books that draw me in so fast that taking notes is the last thing on my mind!
And I love that your last goal is about respect within our community! There's no reason we all shouldn't be supportive of one another! If there are blogs out there that I don't like, a simple unfollow will do, instead of massive twitter rants!
I agree - I have to concentrate more on my own TBR pile and stop getting distracted by book reading frenzies or worse for me .....the .99 Kindle download lol
I also can NOT schedule things. That kind of organization for a hobby scares me.
"In 2013 I would just like to see more professionalism and respect towards everyone in the book community." <---- Please let this happen in 2013!
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