Sunday, September 26, 2010

In My Mailbox

In My Mailbox is a meme hosted by The Story Siren. It is meant to bring books to your attention. (Because I'm sure you don't have enough to read!)

Has anyone heard of Lily Dale, NY?  It is a spiritualist community in upstate NY.  The community provides seminars and meetings throughout the year.  Apparently, it is populated by psychics.  I have heard both good and not so good things about this community, but this book caught my eye on the library shelf.   It's about a teenage girl who has recently lost her mother and stays with her grandmother in Lily Dale for the summer.  Mysteries abound.

Yay!  I've been wanting to read these books for quite some time.  I had a Borders coupon for  40% off two paperbacks so I was finally able to pick them up!

And just for your amusement, here is Spooky waiting for Mari to come back inside.  He waits and watches at the door whenever she is out.


Kelly said...

The Hunger Games is a fantastic trilogy! I really hope you enjoy it :)

Mine is here.

Christin said...

You will love the Hunger Games trilogy! And Awakening sounds very interesting!

My Mailbox

Bonnie said...

I have a friend who can't get enough of Wendy Corsi Staub and loved the Lily Dale book. As for myself I would really like to read Soulless.

Love the photo of Spooky and Mari. Reminds me so much of my dog and kitty.


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We are Spiritualists. Some of us are mediums. We leave the psychic stuff for the fortune tellers. All are welcome to visit us.

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