Top 5 Sundays is a weekly meme hosted by Larissa at
Larrisa's Bookish Life. Check out her blog, it has great content, excellent reviews, unique name it. This week's Top 5 is Favorite Childhood TV Series.
5. Charlie's Angels. I know this is now considered "trash tv" and "jiggle tv". But think about a little girl and her first taste of kick-ass heroines! With all the macho shows on and programs with male leads, these were women who were independent, tough and could take care of themselves. What great role models! Me and my friends used to run around our yards and pretend we were them. (I always chose Kelly.) My favorite episode was a spooky one, something about Kelly being hypnotized.
4. Bionic Woman. I don't think I missed this one either. I loved the one with Sasquatch! I guess because it had to do with the paranormal. I think there might have been an episode with aliens too.
3. Little House on the Prairie. Like the books, there was something so simple, comforting and "homey" about it. I always wanted siblings closer in age to me and I loved watching the closeness of Laura and Mary.
2. 21 Jump Street. Johnny Depp. The end.
1. The Addams Family. I know, not a shock right? I think I watched this in syndication when I was very small because I don't really remember the episodes. I do remember the characters and I definitely know since then I wanted to be in that family, live in that house and have Morticia as my mommy!
Great list!!!
I loved Adamm Family =)))
I also like Charlie's angels! =)
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